Chapter twelve

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It's been two days since Iruka had to leave for his mission and I miss him so much. I'm going to go visit Kakashi and the kids maybe I can train with them.

I make my way down to training ground 7 and I see Naruto and Sasuke sparing while Kakashi and Sakura watch from the side. 'You got this Naruto!' I mentally cheer him on. I hide my chakra hoping I can sneak up behind Kakashi to scare him.

As I'm making my way over to him I step on a stick. 'Jesus Christ that's such a rookie mistake! Wow I really need to train more' I mentally tell myself. I can see Kakashi turn around to see who is there. I quickly send a shadow clone disguise as a rabbit. He looks at it and then goes back to watching the kids.

I'm perched up on a tree waiting for the right moment to attack. I got this he'll never see it coming. "(Y/N) I know your up there. If you were trying to scare me, your going to have to try harder than that because I knew you where here since the beginning." "Whatever cocky little bastard." I mumble under my breathe. "What was that?" "Nothing~....asshole" I whisper the last part.

I jump down from the tree and I go to stand by him. "So big bro you want to help your little sister and train me?" I say giving him my cutest puppy dog eyes. "Fine but I'm not going easy on you." He says walking to Naruto and Sasuke. He reaches them and he grabs both of them by their collar. "Ok you two good job go rest over by Sakura. Me and my sister here are going to spar" "so this is your sister?" Sasuke ask "I thought she was Naruto's sister?" Sakura ask confused. "Well you see when my parents died I was only 4 so kakashi here" I say slinging my arm on his shoulders. "Took me in and raised me. He was only 10 but he took care of me. I love him like he's my own big brother even if he can be an ass sometimes." I say giving Kakashi a closed eye smile.

"So how are you naruto's sister?" Sakura ask. "Well what happened with me I did the same for Naruto. I knew how it felt to not have parents and to be alone so I took him under my wing just as Kakashi did for me. I love him with all my heart and I would do anything for Naruto." In the back I can see Naruto trying not to cry. I give him a closed eye smile.

After me and Kakashi spar we make our way to get some ramen with his team. I need to train more because oh my god I'm so tired and my body hurts kakashi was not playing when he said he will not go easy on me.

"Hey kakashi  can i train with you guys for the rest of the week. It kind of help past time." "Yea you can train with us but on Friday you won't be able to train with us. We have a mission." From him saying they have a mission that got the kids attention. Naruto was the first to speak excitedly. "What's our mission?!!" Kakashi looks at Naruto with a look.

Kakashi POV
"What's our mission?!!" Naruto ask to excitedly and too loud. I look at Naruto with a face that says 'are you serious we talked about this."

He gets the hint because then he quiets down. "Oh yea I remember." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

Iruka POV

Im on my way back home from my mission I know I told (y/n) a week but I lied. I'm only gone for three days. I took this mission to by her the best ring the jeweler has because she's my baby girl and she deserves the best. Kakashi and his team are going to help decorate my classroom. Why my classroom because that's where we met. I know this sounds corny but it was love at first sight as soon as I saw her standing there with her beautiful (h/c) (long/short) hair with her beautiful (e/c) eyes and that amazing smile, I knew she was the one for me.

I fell head over heels for her and I can't imagine my life without her. I want to grow old with her and have as many kids as she wants. I want to teach our kids to be amazing ninjas.

As I'm continuing my way back to the village I can see the gates coming into my view. Hopefully I don't get caught by (y/n). Right now she should be training with Kakashi and his team because Kakashi sent Pakun to let me know not to go to the training grounds. At least it will be easier to sneak around the village while I set up the classroom. I can't wait for her to be my wife.

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