Chapter eight

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I wake up not feeling warmth next to me. I look over and notice Iruka isn't next to me. I got out of bed and put on one of his shirts. His shirt goes down to mid thigh. As I'm walking down stairs I can smell food. I walk into the kitchen and see Iruka cooking breakfast. I hug him from behind and kiss the back of his neck. "Good morning." "Good morning beautiful." He turns around and kisses me. The kiss turns heated and next thing you know we are having a make out session. He picks me up and sits me on the counter and is standing in between my legs and I can feel his member poking me. He goes down to my neck leaving wet kisses and he finds my sweet spot. I can't help but moan every time he leaves love bites there. As we are kissing he breaks away because we start smelling the food burn. He puts the food aside and then comes back and picks me. Heading towards his bedroom again.

🚨lemon alert🚨

He puts me down on the bed and continue our make out session. "You look so good in my shirt baby girl. But you know what you would look better in?" "What's that babe?" "You shirtless." He begins to take off the shirt I was wearing and tosses it to the corner of the room. He starts kissing my neck to my jaw and then back down neck to my body. He sticks his hand down my panties and starts to rub circles on my clit. "Oh you naughty girl your already wet." He puts in one finger and starts pumping in and out of me soon he adds another. "I-Iruka oh.... my god." I feel this weird sensation in my stomach. As he keeps pumping his fingers in me I feel his tongue on my clit and oh my god this man is working magic on me. I've never felt like this before. "Iruka.... I'm going.... to c-cum~ ...... aaahhh~" "mmm that's right cum for me." I feel his huge member poking me I grab him and he stops me. "Today was about you baby girl." He winks at me and starts to head to the bathroom to take a shower. I feel really sleepy and next thing I know I'm out.

I wake up about two hours later. There was a loud bang on the front door. I go to open the door with Iruka following behind me. We open the door to find none other than Naruto and Kakashi. "Hey sis wanna come eat ramen with us." Naruto says with a big smile. "Yea but I have to get ready. How about in an hour and a half well meet you guys at the ramen shop sound good?" "Yea. But don't be late." Kakashi says standing behind Naruto. "Your one to talk." I say sticking my tongue out at him.

We head upstairs to start getting ready. We meet the boys at the ramen shop and to my surprise Kakashi was on time. "Wow your on time?!!" I said shock. "I'm only on time because of him." He says pointing at Naruto.

We enjoy our meal talking and laughing. It was an amazing day.

(A/N: wow 1k reads! Honestly I didn't think anybody would read this lol. But it mean a lot really!! Love you guys 🤧❤️🤘🏽)

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