Chapter five

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Knock knock you hear at your door. You look at the clock to see that it's 7:50. "I'm coming!" You open the door to see Iruka standing there with flowers in his hands.
"Hi (y/n) you... l-look b-beautiful." A small blush starts to appear on his face.
"Oi you! Keep your eyes above the shoulders!" Kakashi says coming up to your door.
"Shut up Baka!" You glare at Kakashi as you let him come into your apartment. "Ignore him. He's here to take care of Naruto"
"I'm not a kid anymore I can handle myself sis! Believe it!" Naruto states giving you his big toothy grin.
"I know kiddo but wouldn't you like to spend sometime with Kakashi?"
"I guess" he goes to sit on the couch
"Sorry about them. Ok let's go!"
"HEY! Wait Iruka I want my little sister here back before 11!" Kakashi shoots a glare at Iruka.
"Y-yes of course!"
"Hey Baka I'm not a kid anymore either I can handle myself and come home at whatever time I want!" You yell at Kakashi before closing the door and walking away with Iruka. Walking in the streets of Konoha hand in hand with Iruka you ask him. "Where are we going for our date?"
"I know this nice Resturant a couple of blocks down." He says taking you the way to the restaurant.
—time skip to restaurant—
"Hello I'm Yuki and I'll be your waitress." She says while looking at Iruka giving him a smile and then looking back at you then rolling her eyes. She looks back at Iruka and asks him "what would you like to drink?"
"I would like a water and my beautiful date would like..." he sympathize 'my beautiful date' so she gets the hint.
"I would like a water as well." You say smirking to yourself.
"O-ok... I'll be right back." She leaves a little disappointed.
"Sorry is she ruined our date. If you want we can go somewhere else."
"No. It's ok she didn't ruin it. I actually thought it was kind of cute the way you stood up for me." You begin to blush a little. You look at Iruka who's face was crazy red.
—time skip to after the restaurant—
"Do you want to go get some dangos?" Iruka asks you a little shyly.
"Yea sounds good!"
He grabs you hand and you guys start to make your way to the dango shop.
"I have a question Iruka?"
"What's up (y/n)?"
"When did you start liking me?" You ask with a little blush on your face starting to appear again.
"Umm ... well I liked you ever since we first met. I thought you where so beautiful and adorable." He begins to start blushing hard as well.
You look at him with shock written all over your face. You then realize he had walked you all the way home and you where standing in front your door. You leaned in to him to give a kiss.
"Hey! What do you think your doing!" Kakashi and Naruto open the door yelling at you guys.
"Uhh... I cant even give him a kiss goodnight!" You shot death glares at both boys. "What are you even doing awake still Naruto!" He looks at you kind of scared and runs off to his room right away.
"Well I'll talk to you later (y/n)" Iruka leans in and kisses you on your cheek. "I had a great time tonight" he gives you smile before walking to his home.
"I had a good time too Iruka!" You say waving goodbye to him before turning around and giving Kakashi a death glare that sent chills down his core.
"Haha now (y/n) calm down I was only kidding" he begins to walk back slowly as you start to walk towards him to hit him.

Two chapters in one day! Well I hope you enjoyed your little date with Iruka!

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