Chapter six

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Your walking to the store to buy some groceries when you run into a familiar man with brown hair in a ponytail.
"Hey Iruka!"
"Hey (y/n)! What you doing?"
"Oh I'm just shopping for some groceries. Would you like to come over for dinner?" You ask giving him a big smile.
"Y-Yea. I would love to."
—time skip to dinner—
Knock knock
"Hey Naruto can you please go answer the door. I'm almost done with the food."
Naruto runs to the to see Iruka standing there with (your favorite candy) and a rose.
"Hey Iruka! Come in. Sis dinner is almost ready!"
Iruka enters your apartment making his way to the kitchen. "Hey (y/n) you need help with anything?"
"Oh yea could you please help Naruto set the table up please" sing-song the last part trying to act cute.
He comes from behind and kisses your cheek. "Ok beautiful. I brought you this." He hands you (your favorite Andy) and the rose.
"Awe thank you Iruka!!" You smile that goes from ear to ear you lean and give him quick peck on the lips.
You sit at the table eating and telling funny stories with Iruka and Naruto. After dinner Naruto tells you him and team finally got a C-rank mission. They are to escort some old man back to his home.
"That's amazing Naruto please becareful on your mission ok I want you back here in one piece."
"I will sis. Believe it! Ok goodnight sis. Goodnight Iruka." He leaves to his room and now it's just you and Iruka.
"I'm a little worried about him leaving. This will be the first time he ever leaves. This is the first time I'll be home alone." You begin to ramble on.
"Hey (y/n) if you want you... c-can stay... with m-me if you like?" You look up to see Iruka have blush all over his face.
"Are you sure I don't want to bother you."
"It's no bother. Your more than welcomed to my home always! I mean you are my girl-" he stops himself before he finishes his sentence.
"I'm your what?" Leaning unto him teasing him a little bit. You bit your lip. Looking him the eyes. "I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend." Giving him a kiss on the cheek.
—time skip to Naruto leaving for his mission—
"Ok by sis!" Naruto waves at you while giving you his famous toothy grin.
"By little sis." Kakashi kiss the top of your head and then ruffles your hair.
You wave them goodbye once there out your eye sight you begin to start to the academy to go say hi to Iruka. Walking through the streets of Konoha you look up to the sky it's so nice you like to watch the clouds. You finally reach the academy and make your to Irukas classroom. You look through the little window to see him dismissing his students. 'Wow he so cute-' your thoughts were interrupted by students opening the door and coming out of the classroom.
"Oh hey babe. What you doing here?" Iruka comes to give you hug.
"O-oh I was just here to ask what time I should be at your place?"
"Oh ok. Umm come around 5. I need to run a few errands first."
"Ok I'll see you later then" you give him a quick kiss and then start to walk away. But before you could walk away he grabs your wrist.
"I'll walk you home first." He states not really giving you and option. You guys begin to walk to apartment hand in hand. You catch him glancing at you from time to time. Once you reach your door you turn around to face him.
"I'll see you toni-" before you could finish your sentence he leans giving you a ruff but passionate kiss. Moaning into the kiss he licks the bottom of your lip asking for entrance. You grant him entrance and he begins to explore your mouth. As the kiss deepens his hand travels to your butt giving it a light squeeze. You moan into the kiss. You could feel Iruka smirk into the kiss. He backs away breaking the kiss for air.
"I'll see you later beautiful." In low husky voice he whispers in your ear.
You enter your house sliding down the door thinking to yourself 'damn that was hot!'
—time skip—
You knock on Irukas door. "Come in!" You hear scream from inside his house. You enter his house to find Iruka in the kitchen making dinner. 'Hmm right now would be a good time to get him back for earlier' as you make your way to Iruka you hug him from behind. You start to leave kisses on the back of his neck. He turns around and attacks your lips. Without a second thought Iruka puts one of your legs around his waist for you to do the same with the other. You wrap your legs around his waist and wrap your arms around his neck deepening the  kiss.
Do you think Iruka and (y/n) should take the next level of their relationship?🤔 I mean they have know each other for a couple of years now. hmmm? Decisions decisions. 🤔 should the next chapter be a lemon let me know what you guys think should they wait or just say fuck it and do it?

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