Chapter eleven

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Iruka POV

"*clears throat* so what I wanted to talk to you guys about was that I wanted to ask you guys for your blessing to ask (y/n) to marry me." I'm so scared of kakashi but even if he doesn't give me his blessing I'm still going to marry her. I love her to death. I can't imagine my life without her. I would die for her! I really hope kakashi and Naruto give me there blessing because it would make me really happy.

"Why do you want to marry (y/n)?" I'm brought out of my thoughts when kakashi ask me this question. "Yea what kakashi sensei said?! I love you Iruka sensei but this is my sister where talking about so you better have a good reason!!" Naruto bits in trying to act all tuff.

"Well I want to marry (y/n) because she is the love of my life. I want to wake up next to her for the rest of my life and fall asleep next to her every night. I would die for her. I'd do anything for her. I can't imagine my life without her" I can feel my eyes water as one tear goes down my cheek. "I love her so much it hurts. I want to cherish her and make every day with her amazing. I want to have kids with her. I want to grow old with her. It would make me really happy if I get your guys blessing to marry her. But if you guys don't give me your blessing I'm still going to marry her no matter what because I don't want to live with the what if's in my life. I WILL FIGHT FOR HER BECAUSE I LOVE HER SO MUCH!"

"Wow your in deep man." Naruto says rubbing the back of his neck. "You have my blessing." Naruto says giving me a toothy grin.

All of sudden kakashi grabs my hands and gets close to my face. "IF YOU EVER HURT HER IN ANY WAY WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL! UNDERSTAND!!!" "Y-yes sir!" "Ok you have my blessing as well!" Kakashi says giving me a close eye smile. God he scares the living shit out of me sometimes.

"Do you think you guys can help me plan this out?" I ask rubbing the back of my head

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"Do you think you guys can help me plan this out?" I ask rubbing the back of my head.
(Y/n) POV

"Hey babe." I say happy opening the door to see Iruka. "Hey baby girl." He gives me the cutest smile ever. Every time I see that smile it melts my heart. He's so cute!

I step aside for him to come into my apartment

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I step aside for him to come into my apartment. When he comes in he kisses my forehead. And grabs my hand leading me to the couch.

"I love you so much baby girl!" "I love you to Iruka!" "So i was thinking. Do you wanna have a date night tonight? ... I was thinking me you movies, pizza and junk food?" God this man knows me so well! "Yes! Oo Can i pick the first movie please please!" I say begging getting all happy. "Of course baby girl be my guest." He says with a chuckle. "I have one more thing to tell you." "What is it Iruka?" "Im going on a mission for a week so im going to be gone for awhile. I leave tomorrow." "Oh ok" I say kind of sad that I won't see him for a week. I know it's just a week but I'm going to miss him so much!

"Awe baby girl don't be sad I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back ok?" He says lifting my face to look him in the eyes. "Now come on choose a movie while I order pizza and get the junk food." "Ok babe."

I walk over to my movie collection and look through the movies I have. Hmm what am I in the mood for? Maybe comedy... nah. Action?....nah. Romance?..... nah. OO I GOT IT!! Let's watch a horror movie! Now which scary movie should we watch? "Ok baby girl the pizza should be here soon." "Ok cool! Babe I don't know what movie to chose." I say while rubbing the back of my neck. "Well do you have a genre you want to watch?" "Yea horror." "Hmmm ok well how about we watch Friday the 13th?" He says coming out of the kitchen with a bunch of candies and drinks. "YES! That's a good choice!" I say happy.
🚨Little lemon🚨

Right now I'm straddling Irukas lap as the movie plays in the back round. So we are having an intense make out section. I feel his hand go under my shirt and up to my breast. He cups my Brest through my bra and his hand makes its way to my back to undo my the clip. He takes off my shirt leaving me in my bra that's hanging loose on me. He takes off my bra and his mouth latches onto my nipple right away. His hand makes it way to my other nipple giving it attention as well.

He kisses his way up my neck to my jaw and then finally kisses my lips. His hand makes it way to my butt giving it a light squeeze before he spanks my ass. Moaning into the kiss as he smirks. "Mmm my baby girl likes it when I slap her ass" "y-yes." I say shyly.

His hand start to make their way to my pants. He starts to undo my buttons on my pants. "Stand." He says in a stern voice. I stand listening to his command. "Strip. Now." His dominate side is coming out and I love it. 
"Y-yes sir." I slide my pants off and I'm about to slip my panties off as well but he stops me before I can. "Wait. Turn around." I do as I'm told. He spanks my ass again making me moan. I hear him move on the sofa. I soon feel his hands on the hem of my panties. He starts to pull them down. I feel him kiss and bite my butt making me moan. "Mmm baby girl your ass is so perfect. Everything about you is perfect!" He slides my panties all the way down and turns me around pulling me onto him making me straddle him.

His hand slowly slides up my to grab my neck slightly choking me. "Is this ok baby girl?" I love that he's being so caring and thoughtful but right now I want dominate Iruka. "Y-Yes daddy." I hear him suck in a breathe before he growls and captures my lips in a hungry kiss.

"Hey sis! There was a pizza guy out- oh my god what the fuck!" I hear kakashi yell as he walks into the living room. "Naruto don't come in hear wait in the kitchen please!" He yells to Naruto. "Oh my god kakashi do you not know how to knock?!" I yell at him trying to cover myself. Iruka gets the blanket that I have on the side on the arm rest and puts it around me. "What the heck dude?! Who just comes into someone home without knocking." Iruka says.

"Don't even start Iruka. I should kill you where you stand! That's my little sister bro!" Kakashi says in a threatening voice. "Kashi Im not a little kid anymore I'm a grown women!" I say annoyed. "Please can you go to the kitchen so I can change please!" I beg kakashi. "Fine but I'm eating some of this pizza." "Fine help yourself to eating our pizza" I say rolling my eyes.

As I'm changing I look over to Iruka who looks flustered and is fixing his pants. "I'm sorry he walked in I should have locked the door." "No I'm sorry." He says back. "Why are you sorry?" I ask a little confused. "I-I don't really know." He says with a chuckle. We start laughing. "*clears throat* you love birds decent?" Kakashi ask covering his eye walking into the living bumping into the wall. "Ouch! Stupid wall!" "Yes were decent now loser." I say back.

"Good come on let's eat some pizza before Naruto eats it all." I tell Iruka grabbing his hand leading him to the kitchen.
After eating and everything Naruto makes his way to his room and kakashi takes the spare room. Me and Iruka make our way to my room.

We cuddle up on the bed in each other's arms. "I love you so much baby girl." Iruka says kissing the top of my forehead. "I love you too.... daddy~" I say teasing him knowing what that name did to him earlier. "Mmm baby girl I like it when you call me that. Keep calling me that and I won't hesitate to fuck you right here right now." He says in a husky voice.

"Umm there will be no "fucking" tonight you kinky bastards! Go to sleep!" We hear kakshi from the other room. "Shut up loser!" I yell back to him.

Laying back down with my head to Irukas chest I feel my eyes getting heavy. Before I fall asleep I tell him "I love you with all my heart babe." And im soon in a deep sleep.

Irukas POV

With (y/n) head on my chest she says "I love you with all my heart babe." Before she falls asleep. "I love you too baby girl I can't wait to marry you and make you my wife." I say kissing the top of her head.

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