Chapter three

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You wake up on the couch because there is knocking on the door. You go to open the door and find a damaged Iruka and Naruto. "Oh my god! Iruka are you ok? What happened?!" You ask him worriedly. "It's a long story." He says with his hand rubbing the back of his neck. You look down at Naruto and hug him tightly. "Naruto where did you go? Please don't ever leave me alone again. Hey, where did you get that headband?!" "Iruka gave it to me!" He gives you his famous toothy grin. "Naruto go to bed so I can take Iruka to the hospital" Naruto nodes his head and leaves to his room. "(Y/N) it's ok. I don't need to go to the hospital" "Fine but at least let me bandage you up."
You let him into your apartment and he takes off his vest and then his shirt and you can see his toned body. As you keep looking at him you start to turn bright red. Trying to get your attention while waving a hand "(Y/N), hello" " oh yea sorry" face getting a red brighter than it was already.
As you finish bandaging him up he turns to look you. He looks from your lips to your eyes. He then leans in and kisses your lips with a soft and gentle kiss.
A/N: should I update the story if so give me some feed back to help me with the next chapter because like I'm a little stuck I don't know what to write in the next chapter in all honesty. 😅

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