Published Works💖

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I promise the works get longer! The first few are really short, I know😭

There are 24 published works so far, but some have multiple parts (only counting as one work)


Title: My Name
Description: A random sorcerer decides to try and take over Camelot. Merlin tells him his name.
Word Count: 230
Part: 1/1

Title: Can Prophecies Be Defied?
Description: Mordred isn't sure why Merlin is so cold towards him. He intends to find out.
Word Count: 207
Part: 1/1

Title: Too Late
Description: Gaius never told Merlin about Balinor being his father. After they get back Merlin, (now knowing he was his son, because Kilgarah told him) yells at Gaius for not telling him. Arthur overhears.
Word Count: 408
Part: 1/2

Title: Too Late - Part Two
Description: Arthur confronts Merlin, asking who Freya is. This leads to the discovery of a great many things.
Word Count: 832
Part: 2/2

Title: Kidnapping Emrys
Description: Arthur, Merlin, and the knights of the Round Table are on a hunting trip. Yeah, I bet you can already see the problem. Some bandits attack, and take them all captive. But why do they seem to want Merlin in particular? And who's Emrys? (Also Lancelot's not dead because I said so).
Word Count: 2,731
Part 1/1

Title: To Make Amends
Description: After Kara's death, Mordred went to Morgana and told her of Emrys's identity. But what if, once he got over his grief, he realized that he made a mistake. What if he went back to Camelot to make amends and warn Merlin of the coming dangers?
Word Count: 1,105
Part: 1/1

Title: Freya's Brother, Percival
Description: Freya doesn't die. Instead, Merlin hides her in the woods. And Percival is her brother. Basically a sibling reunion story. OR When Merlin first meets Percival he knows that he is Freya's brother. He's just like she described him. He just couldn't help but open his big mouth. "You're Percival!"
Word Count: 1,798
Part 1/1

Title: Some Immortal Guy... Emrys?
Description: Arthur and Merlin are out hunting (again). While Arthur is out looking for a stream, the witch who cursed Freya appears and Arthur gets back at that same time. Just in time to overhear her conversation with Merlin.
Word Count: 1,519
Part 1/1

Title: Normal
Description: Just a short conversation between Gaius and Merlin. Basically talking about Merlin's struggles.
Word Count: 207
Part: 1/1

Title: Nightmares
Description: Merlin looks like he's been through hell and back. His face is pale, he has huge eye bags, and he almost never genuinely smiles anymore. Not that Arthur has said anything about it (yet). But, he's worried. Something is wrong. And he's going to find out what. Oh yeah, and they also get kidnapped.
Word Count: 928
Part: 1/3

Title: Nightmares
Description: Merlin looks like he's been through hell and back. His face is pale, he has huge eye bags, and he almost never genuinely smiles anymore. Not that Arthur has said anything about it (yet). But, he's worried. Something is wrong. And he's going to find out what. Oh yeah, and they also get kidnapped.
Word Count: 2,050
Part: 2/3

Title: Nightmares
Description: Merlin looks like he's been through hell and back. His face is pale, he has huge eye bags, and he almost never genuinely smiles anymore. Not that Arthur has said anything about it (yet). But, he's worried. Something is wrong. And he's going to find out what. Oh yeah, and they also get kidnapped.
Word Count: 2,449
Part: 3/3

Title: The Fight
Description: This situation was getting way out of hand. Merlin had been avoiding Lancelot for weeks. No one knew why, and Lancelot refused to say anything about the situation. They weren't sure asking Merlin was going to turn out very well, but they wouldn't have been able to get anything out of him, even if they tried.
Word Count: 2,015
Part: 1/1

Title: Five Times Arthur Tried to Tell Merlin His Knew (And One Time He Did)
Description: Arthur knew about Merlin's magic. It was painfully obvious and he cursed himself for not seeing it sooner. It took him... What, ten years? The only issue now, is telling Merlin he knew. Yeah, Arthur had no idea how to do that.
Word Count: 775
Part: 1/1

Title: Confrontations
Description: Mordred wants to know why Emrys had been acting so cold towards him. So, he went to his old druid camp to see what they might know on the matter. This fic is his confrontation with Merlin (and later Arthur) after learning about his role in the prophecies of the Once and Future King.
Word Count: 1,886
Part: 1/1

Title: If the Disir Judged Merlin Instead
Description: What if the Disir decided to judge Emrys for his destiny still being incomplete, instead of Arthur for rejecting the Old Religion? Reveal fic obviously. Also Mordred is good because I say so.
Word Count: 3,329
Part: 1/1

Title: Merlin's Shitty Brother
Description: Merlin finds Aithusa all alone, barely able to speak, and... human.
Word Count: 1,317
Part: 1/1

Title: The (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot
Description: Uther is a hypocrite, but just how much of a hypocrite is he? Hypocrite enough to ask Gaius for a sorcerer that will do what he can to protect Camelot against magical enemies? Hypocrite enough to spare said-sorcerer? Even when he's been hiding under his nose the whole time? Even if he's been practicing magic in the heart of his kingdom? Yes. I'd say he is.
How Merlin became the (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot, the kingdom that bans magic.
Word Count: 2,823
Part 1/2

Title: The (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot
Description: Uther is a hypocrite, but just how much of a hypocrite is he? Hypocrite enough to ask Gaius for a sorcerer that will do what he can to protect Camelot against magical enemies? Hypocrite enough to spare said-sorcerer? Even when he's been hiding under his nose the whole time? Even if he's been practicing magic in the heart of his kingdom? Yes. I'd say he is.
How Merlin became the (Un)Official Court Sorcerer of Camelot, the kingdom that bans magic.
Word Count: 1,328
Part 2/2

Title: Into the Future
Description: A child Merlin is brought to the future and with him, many questions. The only question is... Will Merlin have answers?
Word Count: 3,611
Part: 1/1

Title: How Arthur and the Knights Learn Merlin Has Scars (and Magic too)
Description: Merlin gets injured while on a patrol with the knights. He pushed through the pain and dealt with his wound like it was just a normal Saturday afternoon. But, a wound like that would make even the toughest of men pass out from pain. So how can silly, clumsy, idiotic Merlin act so... normal? SCAR-FIC and Magic Reveal!!
Word Count: 3,487
Part: 1/1

Title: To Tell the Truth
Description: The knights get captured (and Merlin obviously). They use a truth serum on them, hoping to get Camelot's secrets, but instead, learn that one of the knights knows Emrys. And his identity.
Word Count: 1,553
Part: 1/1

Title: Fear and Trust
Description: Merlin and Lancelot have a short conversation about fear and trust. That's it :)
Word Count: 343
Part: 1/1

Title: You Make Such a Beautiful Lady, Merlin
Description: You will never be able to convince me that if Mordred and Merlin were actually friends he wouldn't tease Merlin about the whole "Dolma" thing.
Word Count: 494
Part: 1/1

Title: Strawberries
Description: Merlin, finally, makes a strawberry. Freylin angst.
Word Count: 273
Part: 1/1

Title: Mourning Together
Description: Percival and Merlin mourn Lancelot's death.
Word Count: 416
Part: 1/1

Title: Albion's Greatest Need
Description: Because after all, how can Arthur rise at Albion's greatest need, if Albion never existed in the first place?
Word Count: 72
Part: 1/1

Title: No Choice
Description: Her heart shattered when she saw the look on Merlin's face. He hadn't wanted to hurt anyone; he didn't even understand why using his magic was wrong. It was as natural to him as breathing or using his right hand. He didn't understand, and Hunith didn't know how to make him understand.
Word Count: 190
Part: 1/1

Merlin Oneshots (and some multi-part stories)Where stories live. Discover now