CH 6

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Author's Note: Chapter 6 bay bay!! Now we get into quests and see how everybody acts in this first team quest, thanks again for all the reads. Sorry also for barely any hints for the future of Kazumin, but i'm letting it build up slowly like a simmering fire. It nots going to explode anytime soon, just enjoy the ride and also a warning a slight lemon scene will occur with some fetish. Readers be warry

<Kazuma's POV>
So I now have two Crimson Demons, a perverted crusader and a thief in my team which isnt bad but not like a typical team you would see normally in a adventurer's guild but this is the best I got and I'm not complaining at all I'm just glad I have a party. "Lets just have Megumin rest her foot and then we can go on a quest." I said to everyone who all nodded leaving just me and Megumin in our inn room, I would just let Megumin sleep though I did get us a room with a couch so I can sleep better slowly I closed my eyes and drifted asleep.

<Kazuma's Dream. Slight Lemon Alert, No POV>
Kazuma looked around his surroundings, he was in a grassland fields with a large cabin in his sight. 'A cabin?' Kazuma said as he walked towards the cabin just taking sight of the grassland with flowers and a river nearby. As he finally made it to the door he grabbed the door knob and opened it seeing a naked girl laying on a bed. Kazuma wasn't suprised, he was happy to see the girl 'I'm home -----'

The girl smiled and lifted her foot up towards Kazuma awaiting for his daily moment. Kazuma got on his knees and held her foot gently in his hand taking notice how soft and smooth her foot looked slowly he let his lips touch the skin upon her foot, he did this every day to show he was faithful to this girl. Slowly he undressed himself and began to have sexual inter-

<Back to Realilty Kazuma's POV>
I woke up in shock and a cold sweat, I had a weird dream just now....I felt a weird sensation in my underwear did I piss myself? I pulled the waistband and saw white fluid instead, now I was truely embrassed. "Did I just have a sex dream just now and to top it off who did I have sex sith in the dream?!" I mentally screamed in my head, leaving to get a new pair of underwear embrassed of anyone seeing my stain.

<The Next Day, Quest time!>

Hunt and kill 20 Ginat Toads

    "AHHHHHHHH! THIS IS BULL!" I screamed in fear running away from four giant toads chasing me in the large fields out from the walls of Axel, I wasn't the only one having problems. Chris was barely making damage towards a Giant Toad, the flesh was tough even tough against her dagger. "This is total bullcrap! I hate that this aint working! Darkness! I nee-" Chris was cut off by a Toad chewing on her, I looked for Yunyun and Megumin and Darkness who all were having trouble with toads.

"Light of Saber!!!!" Yunyun screamed as shs sent a blade of light magic towards a toad cutting its stomach open killing it with....not much ease. Megumin was passed out due to using her explosion which missed the toads!!!! Darkness? Eh she is enjoying being chewed by the toad.....WAIT?! HOLD UP!

"Crap Darkness!!!" I screamed and used my pathetic sword to cut at the Toad's eye, which blinded it only a little. "Im so me..." I ran towards a limp Darkness and Megumin lifting them and dragging them towards a tree while Yunyun used her magic to kill the toads. In the end, Yunyun was the MVP of our team which was good.


After that toad battle, we needed a nice bath. "Um Kazuma...w....would you like to join us in the could be nice for team bonding...." Yunyun asked me...... I felt my brain stop working.................... WHA?!

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