Author's Note

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Well my readers, I welcome you to a Author's Note chapter. You may wonder, is the story going to keep being a abrigded version of Konosuba? To that is a huge NO, I'm writing the story in my own way the story maybe only in Axel so far....I'm going to expand to orginal worlds within my version of Konosuba. I have high respect for the orginal creator and I just want to write a story inspired by his work, and no need to worry for I will never get to spoliers of the light novels but a orginal story. So it wont follow much of anything canon to the Konosuba world, though I may throw a massive shock suprise into the story. Who knows I might suprise people with a shocking death, a suprise confession, or maybe......a surprise crossover?

You will have to wait, but I promise you all. The story will be worth the wait, you will love the story and the interactions. I know some have noticed some of the characters are not fully in character, but like I said im writing this in a tribute so why Yunyun isnt so nervous or why Megumin doesnt bully her, its a reason I want people to love them more than what the anime gave us. So again, I wish you all enjoyable read and I'll give you all one hint. But you will have to guess what it is in this jumble of letters.


See if you can see what is written.

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