CH 26

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<Yunyun's POV>
"Kazuma! Wait for us!" Darkness yelled as she ran following him, followed by Chris, Wiz and myself something was off with him and it had to due to Megumin. We all followed him to the streets where he was on the ground on his knees and for the first time since we ever became a team he was furious and had tears running down his face, he knows something has happened. "Guys, we need to find Megumin, she is in trouble and we need to get her back."

"Kazuma, we know she can fight well you've trained her and -"

Kazuma exploded in anger "SHUT THE HELL UP DARKNESS! THIS ISN'T A GAME, THIS ISN'T A JOKE! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD ITS BEEN FOR ME! WHEN I SAW MEGUMIN DIE, IT KILLED ME INSIDE SEEING HER DIE IN FRONT OF ME WHEN WE WERE WITH SUBARU AND HIS FRIENDS HURT ME! YOU WANT THE TRUTH, HERE IT IS! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT HER NOW, WHEN WE BEEN APART FOR THIS TRIP TO AINCRAD, I COULDN'T SLEEP!" Kazuma began to cry harder and clutching his arms "I....I get nightmares...I...I can't sleep without her, seeing her die back before...its....its hard. When I'm not with her, my mind races thinking she will die again and I will never see her again. For five days, those days were fucking hell for me. I couldn't sleep, all I can think is seeing her die in front of gets worst, I'm forver bound to experince seeing her death over and over in my mind forever like I was cursed by some....returing by death magic...we got to save her or....I'll kill myself."

He stood up and ran off leaving us behind, "Lets go girls, we need to help them both." Wiz said as we nodddd in agreement and ran following Kazuma.

<Megumin's POV>
Blood, that was the only thing I could taste and I was getting used to the metallic taste. I was hanging by my wrists above the ground, my body was covered in whip marks, cut marks from swords, and bruises they wanted me to tell them the where abouts of that Kirito guy but I wouldn't budge. "You're a tough chick I'll give you that, but you will break soon enough. Its a shame POH won't let me kill you or experiment on you, but I can mentally break you." The blonde hair guy who I now learned was named Oberon said as she sharpened a dagger on a rough rock, I could see the look of murder in his eyes like he has been planning a strategy to kill but I won't break.

"You can try all you like, but I'm mentally strong. A Crimson Demon can handle anything, and there isn't nothing you can do to harm me." I said with a smirk and hacked a glob of bloody spit at his direction, I knew I could win.

"You poor dumb child, you think I can't break you mentally? I've done it before and it was easy, I could get into the mind of anyone with just a few words and it wouldn't be a troublesome job to do. By the way you sound, you're obviously a tough girl." He said as he held the dagger out at my direction "But I know what can harm you mentally, what if I were to destory your only chance of obtaining a child?"

My body froze, what did he mean by that? Did he mean to kill Kauzma? "I see the look on your face changed, you know what I am refering to." He said as he pressed the tip of his dagger directly above my crotch and pressed the sharp tip into my skin. "A woman's womb is very easy to get access to, if I were it push this dagger into your skin more I can remove your uterus and forbid you from having children, or I can penetrate you myself and give you a bastard child."

I shook my head trying to keep level headed, I couldn't show weakness to this sick fuck. "You're a coward, you have a girl tied up someone who can kick your ass even if I have one arm usable! Untie me and fight me you little bitch!" I yelled, but hacked up blood after my tyrade and passed out was I going to die alone?

Was being mean to Kazuma and getting angry at him worth it knowing that would be the last time I talk to him?

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