CH 33

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<Outside the base, Megumin's POV>
It was dark, it was pitch dark from what my only eye could see in front of me I was finally glad to get me and Kazuma out of here, but I still don't know how I am alive I do know is once we left the interior of this base the stone broke and I felt a chill through my spine I shook my head and threw Kazuma's arm over my neck so I had a better way to walk, I slowly walked towards a nearby river stream which wasn't too far from this base and laided Kazuma down near a tree. I checked his pulse and made sure his heart was still beating which it was so I breathed a sigh of relief.

A quick sniff of my body was a sign that I needed to wash myself clean, no soap but thats not a problem for me and no one else was here. I threw off the rags that were my clothes (whatever were left) off and got into the river and began to wash my body with the cold warmish water, I sighed in bliss but at the same time nothing was or ever will be the same after this. The obvious point was now I had only one eye, my other was in a small jar and is probably useless even if anyone were to help me I kept my eyepatch over my vacant eye to keep anything from getting in the empty socket and I just tried to keep myself calm from what I went through.

I looked at Kazuma's exhausted figure and felt sad that he wasn't up trying to flirt with me or even try to have sex with me, I'm just hoping this will be better soon for Kazuma and we can make up. After my soak I went to look for firewood to make a small fire for us to stay warm tonight. I was now naked and snuggling up to Kazuma for natural warmth, I kissed his cheek and pulled his cape over me all I could do is pray for Kazuma to be alright, but I can tell my body still isn't fully healed up I can only stay up for a short time before I feel my body wanting to pass out.

I woke up three hours later, but felt a a heavy body on top of me. I looked up and saw Kazuma, his eyes were bloodshot, he had tears dripping down his face I began to tear up as well. " I dead?" Kazuma said looking at me, I shook my head and kissed his on his lips softly and ran my hands through his hair "If you were dead, would you be able to feel that?"

"Guess not...but are you alive? Wait....where is that son of a bitch at! I nee-"

"You don't have to worry Kazuma...I killed him, and I'm alive....I have no idea just that a stone you had in a pouch brought me back to life..." I said as I held him close to me and kissed his cheek and forehead and looked into his eyes, we just stared at each other for a bit not talking.

<Lemon Warning>
I felt Kazuma's length get erect suddenly poking my thigh, I giggled a bit and said "We just got out of a life threatening situation, I died and now alive and your dick is hard already? Well, I can't blame you....let me help you with that."

I reached my hand down but pulled away, I had a better idea. I pushed Kazuma down gently so he was on the grass as I mounted him on his head and leaned down to take his length in my mouth and began to suck him off. I shook my butt waiting for Kazuma to eat me out, I felt a jolt of pleasure as his tongue took a quick swipe against my clit.

We pleasured each other with our mouths for a while, taking his length in and out of my mouth was pleasing I couldn't get enough of it, Kazuma was licking my inner vaginal walls rapidly as he squeezed my barefeet running his fingers between my toes and tugging on them making them pop gently I began to feel myself close to cumming I knew Kazuma was close too as we kept going faster until I squirted on his face and he came in my mouth. I pulled away from his now flaccid saliva cum coated cock and went to him and began to tongue kiss him. We let our respective love fluids mix in our mouths, soon we had both fluids in our mouths and swallowed in unison. "Bleegh...never tasted my own time warn me Megumin."

I giggled and rested my head on his chest "You can free regin to play with my body no limits no matter what Kazuma, you did save me after all but you did your best." I said as I yawned a bit as fell asleep, but I could feel Kazuma running his hands over my body, humming softly to me as he didn't let me go. I felt his love and his comforting hold around me, I knew he would have sex with me while I slept but I don't mind.

<The Next Morning>
It was morning and I felt Kazuma carrying me into town, I was embrassed being nude and being carried into town. "Don't worry Megumin, lets get you some clothes. Then-"

"Kazuma! Megumin!"

"Yes I'm Kazuma/Megumin."

<Kazuma's POV>
I turned to see Darkness, Yunyun, Chris and Wiz rushing towards us and tackle us to the ground, which was painful. "Kazuma, you two are alive! It was a horror show without you two a-"

"Wait...Megumin, why is your eye closed without your eyepatch?" Yunyun broke the reunion up, now that I think about it why was her eye closed did she get dirt in it during sex?

"I kinda wanted to keep it a secret....but I lost my eye...." Megumin said as she held up a small jar with a all too familiar red eye, I nearly vomited as did everyone else....I knew this was too good to be true. Megumin left to the nearest clothes shop and came out with a trench coat on hiding either her nakedness or clothes, Im hoping the second option. "So we gonna finish our main job or what?"

I was shocked at what Megumin wanted to do, she needs to heal up and rest. I didn't want to loose her again, I was about to scream when a familiar voice spoke up behind me "Yo Kazuma, been sometime since we last met quite a while."


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