CH 22

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<Megumin's POV>
She said nothing, but I could tell she had a crush on my boyfriend I think the real reason she punched Kazuma not due to the name calling but she must have had a lapse of judgement and hit him due to him never noticing her before me. "H-how....did you know?" Darkness said, I gave a shrug it was women's intuition.

"Are you....angry at me?" Darkness asked me, she was clenching the edge of her bed worrying I was going to use explosion but I gave her a huge (small due to my arms) hug and didn't let her go I didn't blame her, Kazuma was nice and caring any girl would want a guy like him. "No, I'm not. I'm a bit upset but not angry you're my friend and team mate, we can get through this Lalatina~~." I said her last name playfully, which she chuckled a bit but not in a mean way.

"Can we all refer to you as Lalatina when we are here and we can all you by Darkness in public? Your name is a cute name." I said and pulled on her hair, she just yelped which I assumed was a big yes. "Then see you later on Lalatina~~" I said teasingly as I left to go be with Kazuma and take a nice long bath and then a nice long sleep with him. "M-Megumin!" Darkness said as I continued my way to Kazuma.

<Next Day, Giant Toad Quest>
"Light of Saber!!" Both Wiz and Yunyun shouted in unison, but both missing their target of a Giant Toad who jumped high in the sky. "Chris, we need a hand over here!" Kazuma screamed as both he and I were running like hell, trying not to die (or in my case dying for the third time).

It was two hours later and we finally beat the toads, and earn a good amount of Eris but we were all slimey and sticky and smelly. "This is so gross, I smell so bad." Yunyun said with dissapointment and disgust, I agreed with her we all smelled so bad and needed a long hot bath. "Its a good thing we have large bath at the mansion, team bonding and washing each other off....unless you guys want to wrestle in the water." Darkness said, blushing a bit thinking lewdly, pervert.

<Mansion, Bath, 3rd POV>
"Ahhhhhhh, this feels so good." Chris said with peace as she was washing the slime off, the feeling of strong smelling soap and hot water was helping removing the stench. Yunyun and Wiz were both washing off Chris and Darkness' backs letting Megumin wash off Kazuma and vice versa, unknowing to the Kazumin couple the other girls were watching with awe, seeing how wholesome they looked. Kazuma was making sure Megumin's hair didn't have any leftover residue of slime in it, Megumin made sure to wipe off Kazuma's hair in return.

"I envy those two, they are so cute together. They will gift us with a cute baby the world will never regret seeing." Chris said with a smug smile, while Wiz chuckled a bit and spoke up" Its doubtful at this moment, we are all still adventurers and its unlikely those two have even gotten close to making a baby......excluding that one time at the village.."

"No matter what happens, we will always be a part of their lives and do our best to make sure our team is the greatest of all time. As a crusader, I will make it a mission of mine" Darkness said as she got on one knee and bowed down, the other three would follow suit. The Kazumin couple didn't notice as they just held hands and enjoyed the large bath exchanging kisses on the cheeks and lips.

However, their next job will be a troublesome they have yet to even realize it yet. A job that could cost them a team member, a job none of them have ever experienced before.

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