CH 38

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<Yunyun's POV, minutes earlier>
My ear was pressed against the wall of Kazuma's room trying to listen in on what was going on. "Yunyun, are you trying to listen to Kazuma and Megumin have sex?" A voice spoke scaring me, making me slam my face into the wall. I turned around to see Chris, Darkness and Wiz wearing their pjs and giving me a puzzled look.

", i think Kazuma is gonna propose to Megumin." I whispered, the girls eyes widen a bit and they joined in trying to listen in. We tried to keep quiet and just listen to them, it was quiet till we heard Megumin say "You sure really do love my feet don't you Kazuma?" Megumin said as Chris giggled, we began to listen more but it was hard to hear since it sounded like someone chanted a muffled spell and it was kinda rough to hear.

The door opened and we all fell into the room seeing Kazuma and a naked Megumin, we all blushed red and Kazuma held Megumin in his arms. "We're engaged!" Kazuma and Megumin said in unison as we all looked at them, I was very happy for Megumin and Kazuma.

"You know guys, after how long and...well.....dangerous our last job was. Lets just relax for a few days and get some r and r, and that way Kazuma and Megumin can spend time together even more." Chris suggested and we all agreed to just relax and just not doing any jobs since we were paid alot of money which from the Col from Aincrad, and the conversion to Eris it was able to last us for a few months or even a year or two if we spend right.

<Megumin's POV>
I'm still shocked that I'm not married, well going to be married but being with the man I fell in love with and who recuited me into his party. "Hey Kazuma, lets go bathe in the bath together. I want to reward you with some you know-" Kazuma stopped me talking as he poked my butt and I was instantly blushed, he saw my barcode!!!

"Hey Megumin, have you always had this or did that asshole try to sell yo-"

"I....I was born with it...all Crimson Demons are born with one...its like a birth mark..." I said embrassed for the first time since Kazuma took my toe in his mouth in the begining.

"So even Yunyun?"

"Yes....its on her inner thigh very close to her crotch. How I know, I've seen her naked one time when we were in the village." I said hoping Kazuma wasn't thinking lewdly of Yunyun but he just kissed my hand "It doesn't bother me, I just didn't want to think you were branded by that sick asshole."

He really is caring and loving, I shook my head. "Carry me to the bath and lets bathe my future husband." I said as he lifted me up in a bridal style, I could feel his length poking my butt cheeks and I gave him a sly smile and said "Care to take my virginity again?"

Kazuma chuckled "You bet baby, lets go bathe and fuck my little explosive loli~~" he carried me to the bathroom in a rush, he kept trying to maintain his hard on.

<Lemon Alert, Fetish and anal sex>
As soon as we entered the bathroom he tossed me gently into the large water tub and I giggled playfully and splashed the water towards Kazuma I was acting like a kid again. Kazuma slowly entered the water and came towards me and held my hands as we kissed with the explosive passion that is our love, I was closed to squirting and he wasn't even touching me his touch was enough to make me cum. "Did you really mean it Megumin? You want the other virginty to be gone?" Kazuma blushed in embrassment hearing himself say those words, I giggled when he blushed.

"Yes Kazuma, I want to loose my anal virginty." I said with no hint of fear or embrassment, I was proud enough to be honest with my feelings, I motioned him to sit on the edge. "Sit my handsome husband, let your wife satisfy the mighty Excalibur that hangs between your legs!"

Gah! I was going chunni again and I havent done that since being back home. Kazuma just chuckled and patted my head and rubbed his erect tip near my face. "Want me to let a load out on your face?" Kazuma sais bluntly, I giggled a bit and got out of the water and went to small wooden box that I kept hidden and pulled out some cookies that I would eat alone when I'm wanting some relaxation. Setting some on a small plate I got back into the water and smiled.

"Let it out on my cookies actually, I want to expe-"

He didn't even let me finish when he busted a load on my cookies and face, I gave him a look "You were jacking off when I went to get my snack didn't you?" I said, I knew he did and he nodded "I was horny seeing you naked and I wanted to make sure I didn't loose my boner."

I giggled and took a cum coated cookie of mine and took it in one bite, letting the bitterness of Kazuma's sperm and the sweet crunchiness of my cookies mix in my mouth I squealed in enjoyment as it was the most tastiest thing I ever ate.

Kazuma was fully erect again and I decided that I was done teasing him so I turned around so my butt was facing Kazuma. His hand squeezed my butt as I felt his hard cock rubbing up against my cheeks, thankfully since we were both wet I could get him in me without any pain....I hope.

Kazuma slowly pressed his tip against my anus and pushed his cock in my ass and I moaned in pleasure "Oh god...too big...go slow Kazu-"

He began to thrust in and out of my butt roughly, I was moaning non stop he must have been wanting to do this for so long. Every thrust against my butt, I moaned more and his balls slapped against me I knew he was about to cum soon. "Me-Megumin!!!!"


We moaned in unison and I felt his cock spurt his cum in my ass, I felt the immense pleasure and I suddenly passed out due to the pleasure. Half an hour later we were bathing and talking to each other when I kissed his cheek. I rubbed my stomach and giggled at the sensation, I was happy more than before. "Full?"

" can say that Kazuma." I lied to him in the response..

Author's Note: Plot Twist has came yet again!! Now how will everything change now?

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