CH 20

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Author's Note: Well everyone, the wait is finally over this is it. Chapter 20 will be the lemon chapter, the most wholesome most sexiest and most cutest chapter of the Kazumin couple's first time having sex so be warned: this will have fetish, lewd moments and wont be for the faint of heart or for the people who don't like lewdness. So again this is a warning and you will know when the lemon occurs.

<Megumin's POV>
It took a while for my father to calm down, I felt Kazuma's hand grabbing my foot thank god my parents didn't see this nor Komekko, so I dont have to worry if they think I'm some kind of slave to Kazuma. "Sorry about going off earlier, I lost my composure." My father said after he drank a cup of tea my mom made, Kazuma released my foot and pulled out the offering he brought along with us: some boxes of dumplings. Ny dad and mom each placed a hand on the boxes, trying to stay calm and collected but I knew mentally a battle was occuring. "No way! Solid food! We get to have solid food instead of that watery porrdige we always have." Komekko said with so much joy in her voice, it broke my heart and i know it made everyone else's hearts feel sad for my family too. As my family ate the dumplings, my mom would tell Kazuma all about the letters I've been sending about our adventures and the bonding of our friend and teamship, though I think I may have said things in those letters that could be a cause of concern for Kazuma and I think my mom would mis read what I was saying. God I hate myself for saying those things in those letters, forgive me Kazuma.

<Nighttime, Megumin's room>
Sleeping besides Kazuma in my room, while my family and friends are in my house this was the most cockblocking moment for me and Kazuma. We were sleeping together, my head was resting near his chest his han was in my hair and we were cuddling close. "Psst, Kazuma." I whispered, he didn't anwser me. I scooted up closer to his ear and whispered "Kazuma, wake up."

"Megumin? Whats wrong do you got to pee?" He asked groggly, guess he was in a deep sleep. I shook my head and sat up "No, I want to ask you something Kazuma. I know we been together for a while, but I can't hold back my urges. I want to lose my virginity with you Kazuma." I said, my cheeks were red and I was feeling embrassed.

Kazuma rubbed his eyes and looked at me, did I embrass him too? He would lean close to me and kiss my lips softly, our eyes closing in unison and he held me closer to his body.

Kazuma pulled away from me and slowly ran his hand through my hair gently, my breathe was getting heavy and my body was getting warmer this was it..we were finally going to have sex. I lifted off my pajama top exposing my flat chest, feeling ashamed of how I wasn't as developed as Darkness or Yunyun or Wiz. "I-im sorry if I'm not well endowed...kinda lame huh?" I said sadly, but Kazuma leaned his head to my chest and slowly licked my left nipple.

I bit my lip as I felt his tongue going over my sensitive nub, feeling it get stiff. "You really think I wouldn't love you because you're not stacked with boob? I love you for who you are Megumin, you're perfect as you are." Kazuma said as he ran his hand over my back, sucking gently on my nipples like a baby trying to drink the milk from a mother's tit.

"Ka-zuma..o...oh...." i moaned softly not wanting to be loud in my house. Kazuma would pull the blankets off of us and would lift my foot up, biting the pads of my toes gently which made me tingle even more I never knew my toes were sensitive. Kazuma then licked my toes gently and sucking switching between each feeling, my toes srunching with the pleasure which allowed Kazuma to lick my clenched soft soles, I felt my panties getting wetter and i began to slowly moan "Ka-kazuma...d-dont just play with my feet...I want you.."

Kazuma slowly pulled down his pajama pants and exposed his erect penis, I blushed seeing it. " looks...bigger than before." I said as I felt Kazuma pull down my pajama pants and panties, exposing my virgin pussy which was leaking badly. "Please Kazuma, I need you to make an explosion in me...I can't be without it." I begged, slowly Kazuma would mount on top of me and slowly push himself in me, one quick push would cause bleeding and a yelp from me. "Ouch!"

"You okay Megumin? I can always stop, I don't want to hurt you." Kazuma said but I shook my head, I just wanted him to go on. Slowly he would thrust in and out of me, he didn't go rough like a animal in heat but like someone who is caring for his loved one. We would both begin moan in unison, slowly kiss and begin fondling each other feeling our sexual desires grow more and more. "Kazuma...Kazuma...Kazuma..." I moaned as he thrusted faster, I was close to cumming. We kept our sexual experience going till Kazuma said he was about to make an explosion, I told him "Explode in me, I want your explosion Kazuma. Give me your explosion!!!" I moaned the final word when Kazuma exploded into my vagina, I felt the warmth and felt myself explode as well.

We just held hands and had the blankets over us, kissing each other happily. "Looks like we aren't virgins anymore Kazuma." I said as I yawned and cuddled up close to Kazuma falling asleep, Kazuma fell asleep as well.

<3rd POV>
What these two love birds didn't know what that the walls were very very thin and everyone heard these two having sex. Darkness was blushing red because she heard her friends have sex. Yunyun was red and yelped knowing her best friend had sex before her. Wiz and Chris were more redder than anyone else. Yuiyui however was happy that her daughter was finally becoming a woman and hopes this realtionship would continue, she was hoping that Kazuma would treat her like the person who deserves love and care after having a tough childhood.

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