CH 15

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<Heaven, Megumin's POV>
"I need to go back! I'm not dying knowing Kazuma loves me back! Please Eris! I need Kazuma in my life! Don't make me stay without him!!" I pleaded with her, I wanted to be with the man I love. Please bring me back to life! Pleaase!!!!!" I begged with pity, I want to back for Kazuma's sake, I want to be with him!!! Please Eris!!!" I begged so much but Eris shook her head "I'm not sure if I can even bring you back alive alive in a different country."

"Dont lie! You know you can, I'm not decapitated! I just got stabbed in the chest, I can come back. Let me return this instant Chris!!!"

"Um....Chris? Who is tha-"

"Don't play dumb Eris, I know you are Chris, you two look identical and the voice has never changed. I'm smarter than I look, let me come back and I won't tell Darkness know about your real idenity." I said, causing Eris to sigh but not in defeat but with calmness. "You really are determined Megumin, very well. But this is the final time, if you die again I cannot revive you again."

<Back in the world>
"Megumin please..come back! Don't you die on me! I love you too! Do you hear me?! I KAZUMA SATOU LOVE YOU MEGUMIN!!!!!!! IF YOU LIVE, I PROMISE I'LL BE YOUR BOYFRIEND! I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!!!" Kazuma screamed, until his voice gave out. My eyes began to open up slowly and I felt the wound in my heart slowly halting looking up I saw Rem healing me. "I...I...I'm alive..."

Kazuma picked me up and held me close to his chest, crying his eyes out as did my party hugging me close. Turns out that woman whose name is Elsa was an assassian that tried to kill Subaru and Emilia long ago, but has been MIA since that one event. Four days later, we finally arrived at the location which was a mansion owned by someone they knew we got paided a huge amount of money. It might be worth alot in this country but it all depends how much its worth in Axel.

We made it back on the ship and took a long time to travel home, except me and Kazuma were in a room together looking at each other embrassed and looking very shy. "So Megumin....d..did you really mean it? Do you truely love me, it wasn't just a fake final words?" Kazuma said looking at me and looks down at his boots, I laided my head on his lap and looked up at him "I really do Kazuma, I didn't expect to fall in love with anyone or anyone would love me. I look like a child, I'm flat as a board, I have a barcode birth mark on my butt and I'm an explosive freak...but when.....I..I..." I broke, my mind went wonky and I forgot what I was saying.

Kazuma wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly, his lips were soft and caring and felt amazing. "I love you Megumin, I will be with you forever. We will be together forever beyond explosions."

"Thats kinda cheesy Kazuma, but I love that."

"Say...when we return, can you teach me explosion magic?"

"Very well my boyfriend, but I warn you. Explosion magic is the most powerful and the most dangerous magic, I'm the most powerful mage in all the Crimson Demons and no matter what-"

"Also I think we should meet your family."


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