Final Chapter

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Author's Note: Well, its been a long run. But here it is everyone, the final chapter of my Konosuba fanfic, we been through alot on this adventure haven't we? But now its time I end this story. A beloved story that I've worked so much on and so many people love Enjoy the final chapter!

<Megumin's POV, 5 Years Later>
I chuckled watching Kazuma playing with Yuiyunmeko, it was a peaceful sight and I smiled. "Behold papa! I am Yuiyunmeko! The most powerful, most adorable and most cunning daughter of the Crimson Demons! Fear me!" I smiled seeing my daughter and husband pretending to play battle with her using my old manatite staff to hit Kazuma on the head, I busted out a loud laugh as Kazuma looked at me and held his hand out shouted his well known skill "STEAL!" I felt a small girl bounce on my lap, he stole me and brought me to them. "Mama, when will you teach me explosion magic! I wanna be like mamma!"

She was only 5 years old but already had a love for explosion magic like me. "When you are able to i'll teach you my magic my sweet little crimson demon child." I said running my hand through her hair while Kazuma played with my hair, I giggled playfully. "Oh so you did hear about Wiz and Yunyun?" I asked Kazuma.

"No what?" Kazuma asked stopping my head pat.

"Finally getting married, it does kinda suck they can't have a child but I did hear they plan on adopting just like Darkness and Eris." I said, it was hard to believe that after years of dating the two shyest and most embrassed members of our team got married, I looked at Kazuma and giggled "Looks like you owe me a custom tasty meal tonight. Would it be okay if I invited my family?"

Kazuma laughed "They live with us Megumin so of course they come." Ever since we ended being adventurers and retired we ended up living a normal life and enjoying the peace. When everyone else left, I asked Kazuma if my family could move in with us to help us with watching over Yuiyunmeko if we wanted to go for a date and he was more than happy to go along with that idea. That was 5 years ago and now it has been more chaotic and fun being with my family, and Komekko (who is now 11 years old) has enjoyed the role as aunt to my daughter. She has been teaching Yuiyunmeko how to catch "lobsters" from the riverbeds, how to pose like a true Crimson Demon and to even learn how to be a good daughter (I have no idea why that last part since Yuiyunmeko is such a good daughter enough as is.

Kazuma sniffed my hair and smiled saying "Your hair smells perfect Megumin." I giggled a bit as Yuiyunmeko took notice and commented "Papa and Mama are flirting." I blushed a bit but nodded "Thats what happens when two people are in love. They flirt time to time."

Yuiyunmeko tilted her head and asked me and Kazuma "And wrestle alot right?" I nearly had a heart attack hearing that. Kazuma was beet red and spoke "H-Huh?! What do you mean?" Our daughter explained "Well I saw you and Papa have a wrestling match in the living room last week, you two sure love to wrestle. But Papa you may have to workout better since Mama always is pinning you and shouting 'BAKARETSU!' why do you say that Mama?"

I blushed super red as I was worried our daughter would find out me and Kazuma were having intercourse but thankfully Kazuma changed the topic "Oh yeah so Yuiyun, you know your birthday is coming up soon right?"

Our daughters eyes brighten at the news of her birth, if was a blessed moment. 5 years ago a few months after our wedding, I gave birth to Yuiyunmeko it was a sight to see someone precious than anything I could ever see in my life. Life was filled with the problems and the joy, and not to mention the humor but we got used to it. When she was born we were both at a loss for words with how beautiful and precious she was, we were even more concern and caring with her as she got older and now at five years old she was much like me and Kazuma mixed into one. "Aunt Komekko!! Lets play explosion tag!" Yuiyun said as she ran towards Komekko who playfully yelled and ran away, I just chuckled and kisses Kazuma "Together forever Megumin, our lives are the best."

I shook my head "Wrong, we're together forever beyond explosions and I wouldn't want it any other way Kazuma Satou." I said as I kissed him passionately and he just chuckled "Careful, we might get you pregnant again."

I giggled "Is that bad? It was a blessing for us." Kazuma just laughed and carried me as we made out way to Komekko and Yuiyun, life was just amazing and perfect

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