CH 30

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<Kazuma's POV>
I finally made it to the base, and my body is worse for wear. I think I lost all sense of feeling in my legs due to me running, and added with my body is starting to get weak from my injuries, I shook the mood away and make my way through the doors. "You sons of bitches! I'm here, and I'm taking back Megumin!" I screamed with all my strength, which wasn't much. I slowly walked through the densely packed area, whoever these people are have alot of weapons and plans this wasnt something to play around with nor to think these fuckers are not a threat. I made my way further into the base looking around for Megumin, I checked multiple rooms each one I opened I prayed she was there but nothing.

20 rooms later I made it to the final room, it was the only one that had a large iron door. I took a quick sniff of the air, it reeked of death and pain... and I was fearing the absolute worst. I pushed the door open, it was heavy as all hell but I was able to push the door open and what I saw gave me a heart attack. "!" I screamed in horror and fear, I ran towards the body of my girlfriend I grabbed her wrist and held it, I checked for a pulse......but nothing.....I was too late. "No....No.....This has to be a fucking joke! A nightmare...she can't be dead!" I ripped her top off and began to press my open palms on her chest rapidly and blew into her mouth, trying to do something.

<Megumin's POV>
"Kazuma! Did he find me Eris?!" I begged grabbing her hands, my body was shaking in fear (not my literal body) waiting for her to give me an anwser, only a head shake was given to me as a response. I began to tear up knowing Kazuma has found my dead body I just began to pray hoping Kazuma can find a way for me to be brought back to life.

<Kazuma's POV>
"Its hopeless to save that child, she is already dead and beyond able to be saved even if you gotten here before." A voice filled with malice and hate filled my ears as I turned around to see a hooded figure holding a dagger in their grip. " murdered my son of a bitch!" I yelled as I ran towards the figure but he dodged my attempt and grabbed my arm twisting it behind my back and bent it back hard, I felt the bone snap hard I lost use of my arm now.

"Doesn't anyone know its futile to save that child, and you are just in luck." The hooded figure said as he hooked my arms up to metal shackles and held my head up "You get to see me have my way with this child, it maybe disgusting to some but I deeply enjoy it."

I was sick, he was going to defile Megumin's lifeless body and I can't do anything I really am hopeless my body feel like its going to give away and I can't do this...really the end?

Author's Note: I'm not going to write Oberon having his way with Megumin, I'm not that dark with my stories nor would I give Oberon a chance to do something that dark to a character, sorry again for the lastest update being a long time to wait. But I hope the next chapter will be something what you all want to see, lets hope you all enjoy and just think of how Kazuma will get revenge fyi its not going to be by power of love or friendship, nothing corny or sterotypical in animes, just guess what may happen.

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