CH 27

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Author's Note: The next few chapters will be dark with Megmuin's chapters, and I'll be adding other SAO charaters in. But again, be warned for Megumin's parts.

<Darkness' POV, two hours later>
This land of Aincrad is indeed more different than Axel, I was working up a sweat and enjoying alot of the monsters who easily have their way with me. A flower monster with tentacles with posion! Large boars! Slimes! And so much more I could die of joy!

<Chris's POV>
Its been over two hours and I'm starting to get annoyed with these new monsters I can safely say Giant Toads are not as dangerous than any of these fuckers. Giant flower monsters with tentacles and other bullshit?! Kill me now gods!....wait...nevermind that comment, I'm a god anyway.

We were all sweaty, tired and no where close to finding Megumin, Kazuma was looking heartbroken and depressed. "Kazuma, we will find Megumin I promise you we will." I spoke to Kazuma as I grabbed his hand clenching tightly trying to give him some confidence.

Kazuma said nothing in response as he got up and ran off towards the unknown forest, I sighed and ran along side him grabbing my dagger in one hand and began to attack multiple amounts of giant manthis.

<Megumin's POV>
"OH GOD!!!! STOP! STOP! STOPPPP!!!" I yelled in fear, feeling the sharp dagger being traced up to my face blood began to slowly drip down my face. "Cry all you want little child, it won't help." The sickening bastard said tauntly as he held the tip of the dagger right near my eye, I gulped in fear. "Please...d...dont! Don't cut my eyes! Please god don't do it!!! Don't hurt me!!!" I began to beg in fear, I didn't want to go blind.

"You think I'm going to blind you? Oh no, I'm going to have my way with you." He said tauntingly, licking his lips I gulped. He grabbed my face and slowly licked my cheek, I felt myself ready to vomit. He then began to unbuckle his belt and I screamed in fear and yelled "KAZUMA! KAZUMA!!!!! HELP ME!!!! PLEASE!!!!!"

<Kazuma's POV>
I was covered in blood and dirt, I was tired but I wasn't giving up. "MEGUMIN!!" I yelled loudly till my voice gave out, only hearing my screaming echo through the woods. "I'm not loosing you Megumin....I will never loose you again....I rather die than see you die..." mentally I thought as I saw new monsters coming at me, I will not let Megumin die on me. "Come at me motherfuckeerrrrrrssss!!!" I screamed loudly running towards the monsters with Chunchunmaru in my grasp swinging the sharp blade at the monsters, cutting the necks and bodies of each monster blood began to splatter against my body, my clothes were ripped and stained with blood monster and my own. "Hey Kazuma!" I turned around and saw that Asuna girl following me along with two other girls. One had a bow and had green hair and eyes, the other had pink hair and had a mace "Pink hair....thats odd as fuck.." I mentally thought as as I soon felt a sharp stab in my back hitting my spine, making me pass out....or killing me.....I'm unsure...

<Megumin's POV>
"You dumb little cunt!! Fucking hell!" Oberon shouted as he left leaving me on the ground, my body bloodied, one eye was now blind, I was loosing blood and.....he violated me......" me
....Kaz.......uma.....K...k.......a....." I passed out, knowing if I was to die I can never be reborn with Chris/Eris' help....goodbye Kazuma....I love you.....

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