chapter 1

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3rd pov
Many years ago
"Lixie, you can't catch me" a young boy said giggling running from his friend.
"Of course, I will I am the prince after all" a 6 years old felix said running after jisung, soon he caught him tackling him into the ground laughing together
"You know hanie, I will marry you someday" the innocent little boy said to his friend, he heard from his mom when he loves someone marriage is a way to express his love.
"No, I want to marry hyunjinie" replied han laughing"i miss him, it is sad he couldn't come today"he added.
Felix just stayed silent he felt sad, hurt jealous but how can a little boy feel jealousy.
"Jisung, we need to go" han's father said to his son.
"Oh, our fathers finished the meeting, I need to go Felix see you tomorrow, I love you" said jisung pecking the other cheeks before he left.
"I love you too..." He murmured

A few years later ( the night Felix turned)
A young 17 years old boy stormed into his cousin's room.
"It is always hyunjin, I am sick of this" he said jumping in the bed
"Felix, it is obvious that they love each other. You need to move on" minho said cuddling his cousin.
"I can't Hyung, I loved him for years. I want him to love me back, I want him to look at me like he looks at hyunjin. Why did he choose him?" Felix said tears streaming from his eyes?
"Lix, I am sorry but this became a kind of obsession" prince minho said.making Felix look at him with wide eyes.
"Hyung, you are my cousin you need to have my back, I hate you" he playfully hit his arm....

"Who are you? how did you get in here?" Prince Felix asked an old lady who entered his room
"It is time your father pay for his sins" she replied before she started chanting some words the prince could not understand, suddenly a strong pain hit him making him fall in the ground screaming
"Please stop... It hurts..." He pleaded the woman who didn't pay him attention.
The pain starts fading, the young prince looked at the old lady with red eyes.
"Now you are a monster, you are stuck in this age forever you can't even have children, this is my revenge on your father" she said laughing.
All Felix felt at that moment was anger, anger that he never experienced before, in a blink of an eye he was in front of the woman pressing her neck with one hand, she looked terrified not expecting what happened.the young prince squeezed her neck until blood start dripping for both sides.
"What is this smell?" the prince asked leaning toward the woman without realising he licked the blood.he moaned at the taste
"I am thirsty" he said biting into her neck.

Felix pov
All I felt when I tasted her blood was power the more blood I suck the more satisfied I became.
"Felix" minho hyung said entering the room with some guards.i let go of the lifeless body
"What happened here?" He asked shocked at the bloody scene in front of him.
"Hyung it feels amazing, I never felt this powerful before" I said licking blood walking closer to my cousin who took a step back.
"What did she do to you, we heard of the break-in and came" he explained.
"She said something about a curse, but this is a blessing not a curse, maybe now I can have jisung he can't choose hyunjin over me now" I laughed like a maniac.
"Dear God ,what did she do to you?" he asked terrified.
"She made me perfect, i need to go to han" I said running from the room, I didn't even believe the speed I have, I didn't need to take a horse I just run fast, everything was in slow motion next of me,I reach han's house heading directly toward his room.i entered through the balcony making him jump I fear.
"Felix ,what the hell how did you get in here from the balcony it is in the second floor" he said standing from his bed
"God is that blood, did you get hurt"he asked examining my face, I took his hand making him surprised.
" felix, you are hurting me" he said trying to get out of my grip.
"I am sorry hanie" I let go of him I am not used to this strength yet.
"What happened to you" he asked.
"Han, now that I am powerful. I know I am worthy of you please be mine" I said pulling him by his waist crushing out lips together, I felt him struggle to get away so I pulled back the next thing I felt is his hand hitting my face hard but it didn't hurt.
"What is wrong with you?" He yelled at me,"listen Felix I need to tell you this, I love hyunjin and I think he fells the same please understand"he added. I felt my blood boil at  his words.
"I knew it, you do is  talk about him all the freaking time" I yelled.
"Felix your eyes..." He said taking a step back.
"I fucking loved you my whole life, what does he have that I don't " I growled walking closer to him.
"Lix, you are scaring me. I love you just not romantically, you are  my friend " he said.
It is like everything went black the next think I remember I attack him drawing blood from him until he felt lifeless in the ground.
I looked at the love of my life dead in the ground
"No no jisung wake up please" I shook him but nothing happened.i hugged him tighter tears streaming from my face. Suddenly I felt him move.
"Jisung you are awake how..." I stopped looking at his red eyes."you are like me I told you that we are meant together love ,please be mine"i pleaded to him
"You are sick Felix, get the fuck out of here I don't want to see you again" he said pushing me.
"If I can't have neither will hyunjin. I can't kill you but I will kill him. Stay away from him" I looked at me shocked.
"What happened to my friend?" He asked.
"He is dead" I said storming out of the room.

The news of the new creatures aka me and jisung spread through the kingdom. Fear and curiosity filled people, I didn't meet jisung since that night.
I became a monster, I fed on people until they were drained. I found out how to control changing people too.
Soon vampires start filling the kingdom as the new dominated species my father tried to convince me to turn him too, but I didn't and killed him. I hated him anyways I wish my mom was alive.
I became the new king, the sweet innocent boy everyone waited for to take the throne became a monster. Minho Hyung ignored me most of the time.
Some vampires that I turned found their mates, so we were like werewolves.
Maybe jisung is my mate, that thought kept me going, all I need to do is wait for my 18 birthday it is in a week after all han's birthday is in 6 days .
I always kept my eyes on jisung, he didn't talk with hyunjin for 2 months now since we last talked. I am happy he knows if he disobeys me he will regret it.

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