chapter 3

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5 months ago
Hyunjin pov
I screamed getting up to find myself covered in sweat, it is that dream again.
"Hyunjin, I heard a it your nightmare ?" my friend seungmin entered looking sleepy I nodded at him
"Sorry for waking you up minie"
"It is okay, but I am sleeping here now," he said, I patted the spot next to me for him to join me and he did.
Since my 18 birthday, I had the same dream I am in a room with two people I could not see their faces when one of them rip my heart out. to be honest, putting aside that it is a bad way to die, I felt more... I felt betrayed...
I drifted back to sleep. I need all the sleep I can get, tomorrow we are going to move to the capital, I got a job as a dance instructor and seungmin as a vocal coach at Bang is a well-known company we were shocked that we were accepted, the CEO is bangchan they are rumours that he is a vampire but no one really cared to find out.

(I thought if the boys need a cover for being from the royal family why not an entertainment company).

The next morning came fast, we used to live a 2-hour drive away from the capital so it didn't take too much time to reach it.
The first thing we done is get our belongings in place we rented a furnished house to make it easy for us to move in. The house was smaller than our previous one but perfect for 2 persons, it had 2 middle-sized bedrooms, a shared bathroom, a living room and a kitchen. My favourite place was the balcony, you can see the whole city from here even the royal place.
I was arranging my clothes when seungie entered the room.
"I am done with my room, I will go to the supermarket for food supplies, do you need anything?" He asked

"Yes actually there is a couple of things I want to buy, wait for me I will come with you plus it is not safe for you to go out alone in a place you barely know," I told him.
"Hyunjinie, don't worry about me. I know karate" he said making funny poses I laughed at him.
"I know you do, but if a vampire attacks you, your karate want be much help, give me 5 minutes," I told him. and he nodded at me leaving the room.

Yes, we live in a kingdom full of other creatures, vampires witches and werewolves. Most witches tend to live outside the cities, of course, there are ones living here but they are not a threat to humans since they can control their magic. Plus the king put some rules, if any creatures hurt another they will be punished. For werewolves, there are bad ones of course, but all of them are dangerous on a full moon night when they lose control over their wolf, so our king instructed them to go to the woods or chain themselves in that night. most of them compel and the ones who disobey are punished. lastly, vampires, they are the most dangerous creatures out there. they are always a threat since they are unpredictable especially when they are hungry. I don't really hate them but I don't trust them. they hold so much power over other creatures when according to history books they were the last species to exist, our king is a vampire according to stories passed through generations he is the mate of the first vampire and the actual king who disappeared 200 years ago. It is for the best I think since he was a cruel king who tortured and killed other species. most creatures are thankful for his mate for bringing some peace. but having a vampire king only made vampires more arrogant. Humans were looking for vampires begging them to change them. So the king makes a rule vampires can only change their mates or if their loved ones are dying and they should inform the government before the change to get the approval or they will be killed. It is a wise choice, if all humans turned into vampires we will be extinct.
No one from my generation saw the king I think he start ruling from the shadows 80 years ago.
I finished looking proudly at my room before I left to find seungmin playing on his phone.
"Seungie, let's go," I told him leaving the house.

I have been in the capital with my father when I was young, my parents still live in my hometown. a lot has changed since I last came here, new buildings are everywhere.
People filled the street, I was lost on my thoughts looking at them. What makes it difficult to find out what species they are is that they look like humans, I mean you can have a friend and you wouldn't know if he is a vampire or a witch until he tells you. Throughout the years some learned how to control their powers to fit better with humans. as humans won't find the difference but they can. We entered the supermarket to get our groceries I was looking at my shopping list when I hit something well someone, I fall to the ground. I am sure he is either a vampire or a werewolf it is like I run into a wall.
"Watch where you are going boy," he said, I looked up at him to find a young-looking boy but he was wearing a cap and a mask, he offered his hand I took it and stood up. he was a lot shorter than me.
"I am sorry, I was lost reading the list, I am hyunjin btw" I said bowing even if he is a vampire it was my fault I need to apologize.i offered my hand to him, he looked at me unsure before he shook it back
" It is okay, I am changbin,"he said taking his mask down, my mouth fell open.
"Omg, seo changbin" I said jumping with excitement I am a big fan of him he is a famous rapper and producer in bang entertainment and a part of 3racha. I didn't know he was a supernatural or maybe he is just strong he looks buff after all.
He quickly put his mask on"lower your voice" he said looking around, I murmured a sorry.
"I am a big fan, actually I will be working with you in bang entertainment as a new dance coach, take care of me Hyung," I said bowing again.
"Oh, you are one of the boys that chanie talked about. Well you must be so talented, he is a little bit picky and still accepts you and the other one after a month of your interview, I am impressed" he said I felt happy getting praised by my idol.
"Thank you Hyung, actually the other boy is my best friend, you are his bias... He was just here" I looked around looking for seungmin but he was nowhere to be seen.
"It is okay I will see you tomorrow, I am sorry but I have to go now" he said leaving I just waved at him.
At that moment seungmin come
"Hyunjin I was looking for you" I run to him
" I just met seo changbin" I said excitedly.
"What? When? Where?" He said pouting, changbin is seungmin's bias from 3racha, it is a group composed of seo changbin bangchan the CEO and han jisung, han is also a rapper and producer, they release some songs from time to time.i am a big fan of the group but my bias is han.
"He was just here" I said making him pout
"He is not even your bias why did you get to meet him and not me," he asked.
"Come on minie you will meet your crush tomorrow " I teased him.
"He is not my crush" he replied playfully hitting my arm" plus it is obvious that he is dating bangchan"he added.
"Yes,true they look close"he nodded at me before we went back home.
I am looking forward for my new job...

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