chapter 12

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Hyunjin pov

My back hurt,I opened my eyes to find myself sleeping on the couch. I fell asleep here I guess.
"Oh, you are finally awake" seungmin said sipping his coffee.
"Why you didn't wake me up? now my back hurt." I said rubbing my eyes.
"You looked tired, and there is no way I am going to take you to your room without breaking me back" he teased.
"I am not that heavy" I pouted.making him burst into a laugh.
"Wait here" he said heading toward the kitchen to get back with a cup of coffee.

"You are sure my best friend seungie" I said taking the cup
"You and your caffeine addiction, you were starting at the cup the whole time" he said laughing.i ignored him drinking my coffee
"Coffee is a blessing" he moaned at the taste.

"How are feeling jinie" he asked me with a worried tone.
"I don't know, I am confused, the dream, their conversation. I am angry that han lied to me" I answered him with sight.
"About han, last night his brother came here" he said rubbing his hand" apparently I am his mate"he added.

I looked at him with wide eyes"how do you feel about that?"I asked.
"I told him we can start by getting to know each other, you know I kinda have a crush on him. How do you feel about that?, I know that you hate vampires " he said looking into my eyes.
"Seungie, I don't hate vampires I just hate the fact that they think they are superior to other this is your life I can't get in the way of your happiness." I said smiling.
"Yes, but you are my best friend your opinion matters to me" he answered.
"I am happy as long as you are, just be safe I know that vampires value their mates but we don't know the boy. Be careful" I told him.

"Don't worry, he is a nice guy I can feel it. Btw I... Jeongin told me something " He paused looking at me hesitantly.
"What?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Well... It is about han... And turned out that..." He shattered.
"For God's sake, Seungmin just say it" I groaned.
He took a deep breath before he said in one go"felix is the missing vampire king and because han is his mate he is the current ruler of our kingdom"
My jaw dropped at the revelation"i... He lied to me about that too"i said disappointed.
"Jinie, you know that I will always be on your side but we knew them for just 5 months he can't just tell you the biggest secret in his life" he answered.

He is right, yet I find myself disappointed that he lied to me. My relationship with han is complicated,I just met him but I felt like I knew him for years.
"Just talk to him give him a chance to explain everything to you, IN told me that there is a lot more to know" seungmin said getting up" we are kate to work"he added.

"I am not in a good mood you go, I am staying here " I said crossing my arms.
He sights"as you wish"he said heading to his room. I did the same before I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Han pov
"Why  he is not here yet" I yelled in frustration.
"Hyung, we still have 5 minutes before working hours start give... Oh, seungmin is here I can smell him" jeongin said with a smile, looking at the entrance.
Seungmin entered the building, he glanced at us.
"Good morning inie" he said smiling at jeongin, before he glared at me, well ouch.
"Good morning " In said.
"Hey seungie" I waved my hand awkwardly.

"Hey lier" he answered with a fake smile.
"Seungie, I am really sorry that I lied to you. At first I didn't know you and the longer I waited the harder it became. There are a lot of things you don't know , please understand" I said with a sad tone.
He sights rubbing his forehead"no, I am sorry for blowing at you  like that. You have all the right to keep your secrets we just met after all"he replied.
"It is not like that, I was planning on telling you yesterday but things didn't go as planned" I said.
"Okay, I forgive you. But good luck with hyunjin" he said
"Where is he?" I asked.
"He didn't come, he said he didn't feel like working today. I am heading to HR to inform them" he said looking at the time"i should go, I have a class to teach"he added waving goodbye to us.
"Seungmin can I come with you?" Jeongin said.
"Yes sure let's go" seungmin replied before both of them left.

I stood confused in the lobby debating if I should go to hyunjin's house or give him space, I decided to head to my studio. I start working on some music, I was so lost in my thoughts but I felt a presence next to me and by the smell I knew who exactly it was
"A penny for your thoughts," a deep voice said near my ears.
"Felix" I turned back crossing my arms.
"What are doing here?" I added glaring at him.
"Well I thought, I should come an visit, it a cool place" he said looking around" so much had changed in my absence"he said.

"Yeah, maybe you should waited a little more to wake up, you would have found flying cars" he said with a teasing tone.
He looked at me with a dark glare," bold of you to joke about it"he said
"Tsk, what are you really doing here?, you said you would make me pay for what I did I am here, what are planning to do ,with me" I said raising my eyebrow, standing up from my chair.

Taking me off guards, he speeded to me pinning me into the wall
"Don't test me hanie" he said, he was so close to me that I can feel his breath on my skin. Electricity ran through my whole body, he noticed how he made me feel, he smirked leaning closer his lips hovering over mine, my whole body froze.

For the 300 past years before I put he spell on him, it was easy to ignore the pull since he surprisingly stayed away from me and of course I did the same.
I even tried to escape but he always found, well thanks to the mate bond I can never escape from him, now it is getting hard for me the resist him, if we were normal vampires , we would have died for refusing the bond, well me refusing Felix. his eyes were bright red filled with desire. No no jisung wake up , I tried To get back to my sense. I used all my power to push him making him hit the walk hard.

"Well, I guess you became are really the second strongest vampire after me of course" he said fixing his clothes.
"Fuck you, what the hell do you want?" I yelled feeling my blood boil.
"I come here to see you, and hyunjin, but I heard he is not here" he said taking a seat on the sofa, crossing his legs.

"I told you to stay away from hyunjin," I said trying hard not to attack him.
"And why would I do that, he is my mate" he said raising his eyebrow.
"I can't believe you" I said throwing my hands in disbelief."now you want hyunjin, after you killed my hyunjin. You don't deserve his love, or the old hyunjin friendship. You don't deserve happiness Felix, you are a monster. I wish I can kill you and then I will live in peace "I said marching toward him, he stood up from his seat we are glaring at each other.

" I never said I only want hyunjin, I planning on having both of you"he announced.
"Never, you will never have me or hyunjin" I said shaking my head.
"I will try my best to change your mind, love" he smiled sweetly at me,my eyes widened at him. It is been years since i saw him smile at me like this, like the old Felix used to do. he took a step back heading toward the door before she stopped glancing back at me
"And love, I wish I can kill myself too. But here we are" he smiled leaving.

Wtf the hell was that, it is an act is a part of his plan, I won't fall for it Felix...

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