chapter 14

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Han pov

After I left, I start running toward my room. The servants were looking at me confused but I didn't care.

"Shit" I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding when I entered my room.
I leaned on the nearest wall trying to calm down. My heart is beating so fast.
"Fuck you lee Felix" I yelled out of frustration.
I stood up heading toward the fridge looking for some blood bags to try and forget about the smell of felix's.
A Bag after another but my hunger is getting worse, it is like I am drinking water. A knock pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Come on in" I said sending from my bed.
"Your highness" a servant said bowing,"king Felix send you this" he added giving me a cup of blood, even when it is covered the smell was so strong, it is filled with his blood.i closed my eyes trying to calm myself down.
"Take it back, tell him I don't need it" I said moving away from the young boy.
"Your highness, I am sorry but he told me to give it to you no matter what" he said putting the cup on the table before he left.

I sight looking at the cup in front of me for a couple of minutes but It felt like hours, I start walking toward it hesitantly. I removed the cover starting at the red liquid inside.
"No, han you can do it" I said taking a deep breath.
"Maybe I should take a little just to stop the hunger," I said again.
'Now I am talking to myself, I am losing my mind' I thought clenching my hair.
I gulped putting my finger in the cup before taking it back looking at it.
"It is just a little taste" I said licking my finger, my eyes went wide at the taste.

This is the first time I tasted felix's blood. It is the best blood I have ever drunk.
"Fuck it" I yelled taking the cup drinking it in one go, feeling satisfied after drinking 4 bags of blood.i slammed the cup back down on the table.
'Now what 'I thought laying on the bed.

Hyunjin pov

Since I didn't go to work, I decided to do some chorus. I cleaned the house and went to the grocery store. After hours I fall on the couch patting. It is been a long day. I didn't realise when my eyes start feeling heavy before I drifted into sleep.

"Hyunjinie" a boy with chubby cheeks,he looked kind of familiar he said running toward me or so I thought, he run right through me making me jump in shock. I looked at where he was heading, to find a boy waving back at him with a wide smile before they hugged each other. I start heading toward them, they pulled back from each other my eyes went wide at the boy... He looks exactly like me well younger.
"Come on jinie, lixie is waiting for us" the boy said pulling the other running through me again.

I looked around, it looks like out kingdom but with an old style.
"Hello" I yelled trying to get someone's attention but no one seem to notice me. It is like I am invisible.
I glanced back at the two boys they were running toward the palace. The guards bowed to them opening the doors.
I ran after them, entering the palace.
'Wow this palace is amazing' I thought, not everyone knows how the castle looks from the inside.
"Hanie, slow down" the boy who looked like me said to the other.
Hanie, yes the other looks exactly like han
"What the hell is happening to me" I yelled clenching my hair.
"But lixie is waiting for us" he said.

Suddenly another young boy came smiling sweetly at them, his smile brightened the whole palace.
"Guys, you are here I missed you" he said hugging the two boys"i am sorry the trip took to long"he said pouting.
I just stood there confused looking at them.
"I love you guys" the younger hyunjin said.then everything went black and I am in the same room from my nightmare again, Felix was looking at me with a glare while han looked terrified, I tried running but I was stuck on my place.
"No" I yelled in my head,then the same thing happened Felix killed me and the nightmare ended.

I woke up patting on the couch, sweat covering my whole body
"What the hell?" I yelled trying to calm down. I glanced at the clock it is 4 pm which means seungmin still at work, I lazily stood up heading toward the bathroom to take a shower.
I am going crazy, should I ask han and Felix or try to find out on my own? Han lied to me once , I can't trust his words and I barely know Felix. Damn it.

Felix pov

"You never learn from your mistakes, you idiot" I yelled crashing the table next to me. After han left, I felt even worse about what I did.
I went to the kitchen, the servants looked at me shocked.
"Your highness, do you need something" a familiar face said bowing
I took a cup , feeling it with my blood.
"Take this to king han, make sure to give it to him. If he tells you to take it back leave it on the table, do you understand " I yelled the last part making him jump.
"Yes your highness" he said bowing, I stormed out of the kitchen.

"What do you want minho hyung?" I yelled at the boy who stopped in front of me.
"You are back to the castle" he said.
"Of course I am back, it is my home after all " I replied glaring at him.
"I didn't mean it like that, I... I heard about the incident from early" he answered.
"Yes, I killed the guard. Yes, I am a monster, and no I don't need your lecture" I yelled making some people look at us.
"Do your fucking work" I yelled again making them leave in a hurry.

"Lix, I wanted to ask if you are okay?" Minho said looking at me with soft eyes.
He took me off guard, no one had asked if I am okay for years.
"Lix" he got closer to me, making me take a step back.
"Don't" I said stopping him, and I ran to my room.

I fall to the ground"why I am like this, why?"i asked tears running down my cheeks,when a memory came to me.

"Felix, where are you?" I heard hyunjin voice ask, I was sobbing under my cover.
"Felix, baby what happened?" a 16 years old hyunjin asked me, taking the cover from me.
"Hyunjinie" I said clenching into him crying harder.
"Shh, tell me what happened?" He said drawing circles on my back trying to calm me.
"Father... He..." I tried to talk between my sob"he tried to...force me to... Kill a woman, she was a witch... I didn't want.... To do it jinie... I hate killing people...he yelled at me and told me how useless and pathetic I am... And killed her.... Himself... Jinie... I don't want... To become a monster like him, please don't let me become like him"i said trying to calm down.
"Lix, you are not him. You are the sweetest person I have ever met, you are not capable of killing anyone. You will never become a monster, you have my word" he said hugging me.

I smiled weakly at the memory, you promised me that I won't become like my father hyunjin, why didn't you keep your words. I never imagined that I will become a murderer either. But after I killed you I lost a peace of my soul.
"I am trying hyunjin, I am trying I wish you were here with me to help me" I said with a small voice, tears still falling from my cheeks while I cried in silence.

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