Chapter 21 ~ Fun

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Hey guys! Fast right? I'm using multiple devices now to write on Wattpad! Becausemyphonealwaysdisappears but that's beside the point!

I need your opinions for a 《Character》 X Reader book!



Third Person POV

They have all woken up and met at the living room. Itachi was embarassed from what Ino told him when he was drunk.

Sakura had just finished changing and approached Ino, "Ino, what now?" Sakura asked Ino weakly. "Uh... How about 7 minutes in heaven?" Ino replied unsure.

"NO!" everyone yelled angrily at Ino except Hinata. "How about a boys VS girls contest?" Itachi suggested. Everyone agreed to Itachi.

Contest # 1 - Hair designing

Ino VS Itachi

Ino and Itachi would design their own hair and whoever's hair design was best gets a point.

5 minutes later

Ino had her hair in a pigtail braid tied together with ribbons. Itachi's hair was just let down..

Girls stared at Itachi and Ino. Boys stared at them too. Itachi gave a wink and smirk while Ino gave a cute look.
Girls looked at Itachi and they thought he was so hot! Boys just stared at the girls. Ino drooped her head sulking while Itachi was still looking sexy as heck with girls hugging him and nosebleeding.

Boys - 1 Girls -0

Contest # 2 - Cooking

Hinata VS Naruto

Hinata and Naruto would cook their own dishes and 3 people would taste their dish. Whoever's dish was best would get a point!

30 minutes later

Hinata made Sweet N Spicy Curry with scrambled egg and mushrom soup while Naruto made Miso noodles..

Chouji, Sakura and Itachi tasted the dishes. Sakura gave Hinata 10 out of 10 and Naruto 5 out 10. Itachi gave same to both. Chouji gave both 10 out of 10.

Boys - 1 Girls -1

Contest # 3 - Tug of War

All Girls VS All Boys except Itachi

Everyone pulls on a rope and the first team to touch the pillows on the floor will lose! The winner gets 4 points!

15 minutes later

The girls pulled on their might almost losing while boys were almost winning. Sakura wanted to win so she used her superhuman strength and pulled the rope with the girls noticing and letting go, the boys flew up in the air and landed on the pillows.

Itachi just laughed and he didn't join because he was strong and he was an adult.

Girls Win

After the contests, everyone sat down to rest. The girls kept cheering while the boys kept blaming each other and Itachi just laughing.

Sasuke cursed under his breath because just a single pull of a girl they all lost. Ino wanted to cheer them up so she said "How about movies? Until dark!" Everyone nodded so she pulled out movies and asked "Twilight, Frozen, Insidious, or Avengers?"

"Avengers!" The boys yelled, the girls wanted Frozen but they just went with the boys.

A few hours of watching all 3 movies

"Now... It's night... HORROR TIME!" Ino cheered. She put in the disk and they all started watching.

While watching..

All the boys except some screamed and shivered and all girls did. Hinata, Tenten and Ino were hugging their mates in terror while their mates were trying to be brave except Shikamaru beause he IS NOT afraid. Sakura just hugged Itachi instead of Sasuke. Sasuke just yelled and shivered on the couch.

Sasuke got so scared he dug himself in the pillows. Naruto did too. Hinata kept shrieking because Naruto hid and she just clutched on Sakura's arm. Sakura hid her face on Itachi's chest when she got super scared. Itachi cursed when he got super scared.

Evryone kept shrieking, yelling and shivering...

End of Movie

"Phew! THAT was scary alright!" Sakura said wiping her sweat off her face. "It probably scared me to death!" Sasuke and Naruto yelled still hiding in the pillows together.

"Cowards.." Ino ranted pointing at the 2 boys. "Hey you screamed the loudest you know!" Kiba barked at Ino.

"Ha! Take that Ino-tebayo!" Naruto shot back at her. They all argued for a while but they got tired so they all went to their rooms and got ready for their dinner.

30 minutes later..

They were all ready to eat dinner at a restaurant just nearby. Itachi carried Sakura because she was sleepy. All the girls were in dresses so Itachi carried her bridal style. Sasuke cursed under his breath because of jealousy.

A few minutes later...

They all reached the restaurant and sa in a table for all of them.

●●To be continued●●

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