Chapter 29 - My answer + SaiIno

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Hey there!! So, the chapter is here!! If you want more song relate stuff, just comment!

I'm sorry if Sasuke is OOC.

TO THE STORY!! (Brought to you by: Sasuke chidori screaming because of Itasasu!)

Ino's POV

"Yeah right! She'll "forgive" him!" I said putting air quotes when i said "forgive" after Hinata told Sakura to forgive Him. Yeah right!! Like that'll happen.

"Because-" Sakura cut off, then spoke again "Because, he cheated on me, he cheated on me with a red-haired sassy, girly-girl, idiot! Who would forgive a guy who also cheated--not only that, even KISSED her in front of your very own eyes?! Like, what the fudge?!" I mentally agreed --and slapped Hinata-- but then what if he didn't mean it? What if Karin kissed him and he was in shock? Meh, that's impossible.

I just simply nodded and said "See Hinata? Would you forgive him if that was Naruto?" She just simply shrugged and opened her locker. Sakura just shook her head 'no' and opened her locker as well. I just bid my goodbye and walked to class. At the corner of the hallway, I thought I saw someone looking at Sakura then it disappeared. I just shrugged it off and went to class.

*Time skip: Lunch time- brought to you by Naruto singing in an orange speedo!!*

Ino's POV

I heard the bell for lunch, I packed my stuff quickly then, all of my classmates, burst out the door like there was an emergency or something. Ah, suckers.

I walked coughruncough out of the room, then I ran over to our table "Hey guys!" I exclaimed while I put my stuff down. They chimed "Hey Ino!" I just waved then sat down.

"Hey Ino~" A voice cooed behind me. Sakura, Hinata and Tenten giggled,while some of the boys just grinned. I shrugged then turned around. Sai was there, he was a student with good art skills. "Hey Sai.." I greeted nervously. He held up his hand and said "Join me, I'll bring you to my table." I looked at his hand then looked up at him, I grabbed his hand then he lead me to his table.

We walked to his table, there sat, Sai, Jiro, and Tadashi. They greeted me then Jiro asked me "Ino, are you ready?" "Ready for what?" I asked tilting my head. He chuckled then said "For what's gonna happen!" I looked over at my table then everyone either giggled, gave a thumbs up, or grinned widely.
I looked back and said "Ye-yes?" A bit questionly. Tadashi clapped softly then exclaimed "Good!"


Ino's POV : Warning!! SaiIno on the wayyyy

Sai told me to meet him at the parking lot. Where the heck is he?
I tapped my foot on the ground while looking at my watch. "Ino." A familiar voice said. I looked up and stopped tapping my foot. "Why are you late?" I ranted.

"I had to take care of something."

"Ok,sure..." He then lead me to his car, he opened the passengers seat and said "My lady." while he held the door. I walked in and sat down then I said "Thank you."

He drove me to a place, where lots of roses, daffodills, cherry blossoms and millions of flowers grew. We got out the car and he lead me through the trees. "Hey!!" I exclaimed. He ignored then we stopped. I looked around to see a picnic blanket, food, plates,spoons, forks, knives, and more stuff like that.

We sat down and we chatted a lot. He then said



"I've been meaning to ask you this.." He blushed.

"What?" I blushed.

"Will you..."


"My girlfriend?" Then he pushed a button a controler then lights appeared on the trees spelling ' Will you Be my girlfriend?'

I teared up then laughed "Yes! I will Sai!" I exclaimed hugging him. He pulled away then said "I love you." then he put his hand on my chin and lifted my head up then you know what?


It sent butterflies in my stomach, then it all went away, I melted into the kiss and wrapped my hands around his neck, while he put his hands on my waist and then we both stood up, we broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you Ino."

"I love you too."

I knew that we'd have a good relationship, as long as your with me Sai, everything's alright.

Awww... That's sweet! But, I have to end it here. If your wondering why "How come SaiIno first not SasuSaku?" That's because it's my least favorite ship, I think ShikaIno is even better. But, I'll follow the canon ships. I won't add whoever Kiba, Chouji and Lee end up with YET. I dunno their names. Please tell me!! If not, I'll just do OC's instead! AND NEJI WON'T DIE!! Or maybe, I dunno yet.

Do you guys want a sequel? Because I have a sequel cover ready. Also Sai won't join Konoha 9 just yet. Ino and Sai will be different groups for a while. Also Sai's group is ArtyArtists. It sucks I know.

Bye, Lovelies! As always, I'll see you in the next chapter

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