Chapter 31 ~ Karin's Rage

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Hello! This will be a long chapter!! I have a question though. Should I NOT make a sequel? Or make a sequel? But!! When I do, some one must voulenteer to be the one who makes the cover. And that person should make it with their all! 

That's all about it! So read now!


Normal POV

Meanwhile with Team Taka, while Konoha 9 pratice, also joined the battle of the bands. They are currently at an empty classroom, while the other groups also practiced. That day is the practice day for the contest. Sasuke sat on a table in frustration, as he groaned. "Karin" he groaned out load. "Stop clinging onto me." He continued, as he groaned once again. Karin looked at him innocently and let go. "Karin is such a clingy girl," Suigetsu says, closing his eyes while sitting on a chair, lazily. "Sasuke doesn't even love her," He continues, opening his eyes and pointing at Sasuke and Karin. "She won't accept that, she's one ugly woman." He finishes, walking over to Karin. "Sasuke loves me! He just won't confess because he's too shy!" Karin yells, obviously denying what Suigetsu has just said. "Objection!" Sasuke yells in the background. "Hush my love!" Karin hushes, her attention still on Suigetsu. "Sasuke yelled 'objection' already. That means he denies." Suigetsu says, also denying what she has said. And the argument goes on until, Sasuke seperates them. "Stop it. The both of you." 

"Sowwy, Sasuke-kun!" Karin says, all cutesy, wutesy, acting like nothing had happened. 

*Time Skip* 

Karin's POV 

Sasuke-kun made us practice, for the battle. For some reason he left, before we even got started. I got suspicious, so I made an excuse to follow him. "Hey guys," I say as they turn around. "I gotta go to the gate, I'm gonna get what my mom dropped off for me." They nodded and continued what they did, as I walked out of the room, to look for Sasuke-kun. I found him, after a few minutes, he was at a door, waiting, well, that's what I thought he was doing. I was about to call him, but then he said something. 

"Sakura, I'm sorry. But now, I get to see you, before you preform." He says. "You are still the amazing girl I knew. Still, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I..." He continues, trailing off at the end. Don't you dare say it. "I love you Sakura." He said it. My heart shattered into a million pieces. He loves her?! Is he insane?! That woman is nothing but trash! 

I covered my mouth with my hands, letting tears fall. It ruined my mascara and eye liner, but I didn't care. I'm heartbroken. I'm so tired of this. I love him so much, but he doesn't! But the fact is that he's love blind! Can't he see that I'm even better than her?! Sasuke will love me, and I know how. I ran to the nearest women's bathroom. It was empty, so I locked the door and broke down. I looked at myself. "Why would he love an ugly piece of trash when he has a sexy, beautiful lady right here?!" I yelled at myself. "Why won't you just love me Sasuke?! Why are you so clueless?! I already made her stop loving you." I yelled. "Now, I'll make you, stop, loving her." I said, laughing evily. I smirked. "And you'll see how." I said, the smirk never leaving myself. "If that plan won't work, then I have to do it." I said, grinning like a pshyco, pulling a pocket knife out of my pocket. I laughed evily, then it became an insane laugh, like how an insane person would laugh. I calm down, still laughing slightly. "I'll end her life." I said, looking over at the mirror, like a crazy murderer. "Just for you to be with.. ME!" I finished, stabbing a picture of that Sakura girl.

I fixed up my make-up and clothes, I took the knife and picture, throwing the picture in the bin, stuffing the pocket knife in my pocket. I walked out casually, like nothing happened. Sasuke was gone, when I checked. I went back to the room, to see them talking. I cleared my throat, getting their attention. They just waved and went to their stations. Sasuke as lead singer, Sui as drummer and back-up singer, Juugo as bass guitar and back-up singer, and I'm the one with the keyboard and back-up singer as well. 

Hello, hello

Anybody out there? Cause I don't hear a sound

Alone, alone

I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now 

Sasuke starts singing. As we play the instruments.

I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name

Like a fool at the top of my lungs

Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright

But it's never enough

I start singing as Sasuke stops.

Cause my echo, echo

Is the only voice coming back

Shadow, shadow

Is the only friend that I have

Sui and Juugo start as I stop.

 Listen, listen

I would take a whisper if that's all you had to give

But it isn't, is it?

You could come and save me and try to chase the crazy right out of my head

I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name

Like a fool at the top of my lungs

Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright

But it's never enough

Cause my echo, echo

Is the only voice coming back

Shadow, shadow

Is the only friend that I have

We all sing.

I don't wanna be an island

I just wanna feel alive and

Get to see your face again

I don't wanna be an island

I just wanna feel alive and

Get to see your face again

But 'til then

Just my echo, my shadow

You're my only friend and...

Sasuke sings.

 Cause my echo, echo

Oh my shadow, shadow

Hello, hello

Anybody out there?

We all sing.


To be cont.

SasuSaku: The Girl 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now