Chapter 33 ~ Wedding ♡♡♡

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2 chapters left until the end of the world. I mean book.

Epilouge after Chapter 35. Also a goodbye book chapter..?


Years went by and Sakura and Sasuke are now getting married.

"With your own life, soul and heart do you Sakura Haruno. Take Sasuke Uchiha to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest says looking at Sakura.

"I... I do." Sakura replies, as she looks at Sasuke's hand and slips the ring onto his ring finger.

"With your own life, heart and soul. Do you Sasuke Uchiha. Take Sakura Haruno to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asks again.

"I do." He says proudly. As he looks into Sakura's emerald green orbs, looks at her hand and slips the ring on.

"You may now kiss the bride!"

"Oi Teme! Don't go to far! Making out is not allowed." Naruto yells as he pats his 1 year-old son's head.

"That's my girl!" Ino yelled as she hugged her husband, Sai.

"Mister?" Sakura clears her throat.

Sasuke laughs quietly and leans in to kiss, but Sakura stops him.

"If you're shy we won't" she teases.

"Nope. Years are more than enough." He says. As he kisses his new wife.

Everyone cheered. The bridesmaids, Hinata, Ino, Tenten and Akane, squealed. The best man and the groom's (IDK WHAT!!) men, Naruto, Shika, Neji and Kiba, just gave a thumbs up.

Karin was locked up in jail, Sasuke got his blossom back and friends.

A happy life indeed.

Oh my Sasuke-chan. You married a good woman.

Two souls said. Fugaku and Mikoto.

"Sasuke-kun! How happy are you now?"
Asked Sakura as she sat down on the wedding table.

"Very." Sasuke replied as he ate a tomato piece from his salad.

"Sakura-chan! Carry your nephew!" Hinata declared. Sakura nodded and carried little Boruto Hyuuga-Uzumaki. Sasuke tapped Boruto's forehead. Boruto woke-up and saw Sasuke and Sakura. He smiled and grabbed Sasuke's finger with both hands. Sasuke was suprised but then relaxed. "Say Mama!" Sakura said. Getting Boruto's attention. He declined and suddenly nibbled on Sasuke's finger. Sasuke was shocked. Hinata and Sakura awed. Naruto chuckled. "Say Mama!" Sakura said. Boruto smiled and said "Mama! Tomato!"

Sakura laughed, Boruto's first 2 words were Tomato and Mama! Sasuke laughed. Naruto sulked and Hinata swayed Boruto in her arms.

Slow and romantic music play and most guests were already dancing with their partner. Hinata and Naruto didn't join. They had a baby with them. "May I take this dance?" Sasuke asks as he bows like a prince. "You may." Sakura replies as she holds Sasuke's hand. They walk to the dance floor.

They start dancing slowly. Sakura's left hand on Sasuke's shoulder, her right intertwined with his. Sasuke's left hand was on her waist, his right intertwined hers.

"I love you."

"I love you too."



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