Chapter 28 ~ I blamed him

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Don't open the media yet. I'll tell you when..

Finally a chapter!! Sorry for the long wait! I was busy and I still have to help a friend with her book, also I need covers people!! Also I will be naming chapters now!

Thank you for the 5K reads! I totally appreciate it! So onto the story my friends!


Sakura's POV

After telling Tsunade-sensei what happened we ran to the cafeteria,


"It's okay Naruto, you don't need to."
I say trying to calm Naruto down. "Fine! I won't." Naruto says putting his hands up in defeat. "Thanks Naruto." I say patting his back, "So what now Sakura?" Kiba asks.

I shrug then Naruto got a ramen pack, "Naruto don't." I say trying to snatch the ramen from him, "What? Just one!!" He exclaims like a 5 year-old. "You know you can't! How about your condition?!?!" I say slapping him. He runs away then prepares it, "You are so in big trouble!!" I yell while Ino chuckles. I run towards him then he runs back where we were and eats it. He coughs up blood and collapses. Everyone turned their attention to us and start panicking.


We arrived to see Ino pumping his chest while crying "Naruto! Wake up!" Constantly between sobs. I cried out "Tsunade-sama please, save him!!" She nodded slowly and crouched down to Naruto's level.
I turned around to see some students sad. Also to see Sasuke be EMO, Karin chuckling, Jugo just shaking his head no, and Suigetsu staring at me... WAIT WHAT?!?! Okay that's creepy...

I looked back at Naruto and the others, crying. (Except Narubaka) Tsunade-sama was nervously healing him then a family friend, Akame, approached me and put her hand on my shoulder and stared at Tsunade-sama and Naruto. "You okay Saku-chan?" Akame asked looking at me, "Yeah, yeah I am!" I said sarcastically while sobbing, She chuckled and took her attention back at Naruto. "Huh? What ha-happened?" A familiar male voice asked, the whole Konoha 9 yelled his name and hugged him tightly.

Naruto's POV

Everyone hugged me and everything that happened came back to me.

I ate some ramen, which was my second pack, I'm not supposed to eat to packs a day. Sakura yelled at me like a mother calling her idiotic child.

(See what I did there? XD ~ Author)

Then she caught up to me, then I coughed up some blood and collapsed on the floor, the last thing I heard was my name.

End (halleljuahhhh)

I smiled and them too including Tsunade-sama. "Sorry for not listening sis." I apologizied looking up at Sakura. She just smiled and play punched my shoulder. "You dobe." I heard a familiar cold voice say, I looked up to see the traitor. He just smirked and held his hand out for me. This guy has a heart after all. I grabbed it and stood up as everyone let go of me and stood up. "You do have a heart teme." I said as I poked his chest. "Hn. Maybe~" He cooed. sheesh!! Is this guy gay or is he messing with me?! I just srunched up my nose and walked up to Ino as Sakura,

Walked up to Sasuke and spoke up "Look Sasuke, why don't you just go away? Oh wait, scratch that, go away from Naruto cause I think you're gay for him!" Sasuke had an anger vein on his forehead and he replied "What?! You think I'm gay for him?" While pointing at me. They argued while Tsunade-sama just shrugged and walked away.






She yelled that while she cried even more. He softened and tensed up, he looked down and a tear fell down his face and even more fell. Shikamaru and Ino ran over to Sakura and held her up. "Well, If that's what you think."

He looked up and walked out of the cafeteria.


Sasuke's POV

I woke up by brother jumping up and down my bed and yelling my name. I smirked then pushed him off my bed making him fall by his behind. He yelled "What the-?!" And landed.

I jumped out and dashed to the dining room to eat.


Still Sasuke's POV

*Play media...."

Short steps, deep breath, everything is alright. Chin up, I can't step into the spotlight.

I took short steps to my ex-lover, took a deep breath and thought everything's alright if i'm with her.
I kept my chin up and i just couldn't step into the spot light of my old friends.

She said I'm sad, somehow without any words. I just stood there searching for an answer.

She said I'm sad, and without any spoken words. I just stood there searching for answer why, why did we tear apart.

When this world no more, the moon is all we'll see, I'll ask you to fly away with me.

When there's no one left, but me and you standing in the moonlight, which is the only thing we'll see, I'll ask you to come back to me.

Until the stars all fall down, it'll empty from the sky, but I don't mind, If you're with me everything's alright.

Until the stars all disappear and the sky is empty, I wouldn't mind, but if you're with me, everything's alright.


I snapped back to reality because Suigetsu clapped his hands in front of my face. "Sasuke! Get outta your mind will ya?!" Suigetsu yelled, I just shook me head lightly and said "Nah, it was much better without you." I said, teasingly while smirking evily. "Sasuke!" He whined then pouted like a child, he was pratically a Naruto. "Sasuke-kun~!" A familiar annoying voice shouts in the distance with her hand by her mouth and her other hand waving, she was running too. Like, Saku- nevermind. She arrived and clung onto me. She blabbed but, I didn't listen. Jugo then arrived quiet, reading a book about animals. He was like Kakashi-sensei.

I just shrugged then said "I'll be heading out." Karin just pouted and walked to her class, same did the other 2 guys. I walked to math class, and saw Sakura with Hinata and Ino, I hid near them by the corner of the hallway.

"S-sakura, why won't you just forgive him? H-he might b-be sad with-without you." Hinata asks the pink-haired girl.

"Yeah right Hinata! She'll "forgive him!" Ino says putting air quotes when she said forgive.

Then Sakura spoke up "Because-"

CLIFFHANGERRR!! What did Sakura say?? Well, wait for the next chapter because, there might be a bad or good reason why! Sorry again for the long wait because I was on vacation!! So by the time this was/is published it's either my last day on my vacation or the day we leave the vacay place!

We were in Boracay!! You guys should really come here in the Philipines, Boracay. They have lots of water sports in store for ya!


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