Chapter 24 ~ Summary to next chapter

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Hey everyone! This is just a summary chapter for when they grow up! I'm just gonna put a short chapter after the summary ok? The chappy is based on a mini comic i found.

After Sakura, Naruto and Hinata leave Sasuke. The other's left too. They haven't met for 6 years because the other's changed schools, 6 years later, they all met in the same school along with Sasuke who ganged up with Karin Uzumaki, Suigetsu Watera and Jugo Animaru.


Suigetsu and Sasuke were walking around, then Suigetsu saw a Sakura tree.

Oi Sasuke! Look! There's a Sakura tree in a place like this!

Then Suigetsu tries to touch it but then, Sasuke punches Suigetsu.

Don't go around touching it like that!!

Ahh... Isn't Sakura pretty? With it's soft color and all?

Yeah, it's pretty, It smells good too.

I..... Love Sakura the most..
(As In Sakura Haruno)

Un! Me too! Really loves -

Then Suigestsu gets punched again...

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