Chapter 30 ~ I'm Affected by Her

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I'm back! I miss you all so much! For some reason the Bold and Italics bar won't show so I'll fix that later, in the story. Ok here it is! I just realized that it's now supposed to be highlighted then it will show =.=


I'm in the dark. No one's around. What's happening? I heard humming sounds, it was angelic. It was so gleeful, a light flashed then showed a memory, a special memory I hold in my heart. I was kissing her, a special girl named, Sakura. Sakura Haruno. Then it disappeared, the humming came back, but instead it became a bit gloomy. Then a light flashed once again, it was a despising memory, the time... Sakura cried in front of me, I was kissing the girl I despised, Karin. Then it disappeared, the humming was gone, it was now muffled screaming. Light flashed again, a memory I want to forget as badly as the last one, Sakura had called me a horrible boyfriend, then broke down, I snapped and broke down as well. Then I fell into darkness and Sakura yelled-

"AHHH!!" I yelled, as I woke up from my very horrendous dream. Itachi came bursting into my room like Superman. (DON'T JUDGE!! XD IT'S FUNNY!) Then he yelled "SASUKE?! I'M HERE FOR THE RESCUE!!!" I sweat dropped. Idiot... "What the heck Itachi?!" I yelled putting my hands up. He laughed, then I did. Itachi stopped laughing and wiped a fake tear from his eye and came up to me. "I wanted to make you laugh!" I just chuckled and replied "You already did." 

*Time skip: at school.. Brought to you by Kiba's horrible make-up!*

Kiba's POV

I was waiting for Naruto, Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Chouji, and a new member, Akame. Apparently, Akame is Sakura's family's friend. And she said Akame loves dogs, and thought I should show her Akamaru. I waited with the others, in the music room, because we were gonna talk about and practice for  the Battle of the Bands. Since Sakura wanted to join so badly. Naruto and the others arrived, but someone else also came, Ino's boyfriend, Sai. "Why is Sai here?" I asked pointing at Sai who was holding Ino's hand. "He wanted to see the band sing, plus, if he's Ino's boyfriend, we might as well let him hear right?" Sakura answered, while strumming a guitar. Sai just smiled and rested (Am I right?) his head on Ino's. Ino giggled and said "Let's just practice!" 

Akame approached me and asked "Where's Akamaru?" she continued "Sakura said you bring him all the time." I shrugged and answered her question "He's not here. He got sick." Akame awed. Not the cute kind, the sad kind. She thanked me and approached Shikamaru instead. For some reason, a weird feeling came to me. Was it? Could it be? Love? Sakura came up to me and nudged my arm, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You. Are. Blushing." a pink-haired girl said, smirking. I stared at her wide-eyed, then I touched my cheek, it was burning hot! I covered my face in embarrassment. 

Akame's POV 

I saw Kiba covering his face, after Sakura told him he was blushing. I told Shikamaru that he was in embarrassment. Shikamaru lazily turned around and chuckled. I laughed at the scene! He looked like a child! Kiba looked up from his hands and saw me laughing, he smiled, put his hands down and started laughing as well. In a matter of seconds, the room was filled with laughter. 

*Time Skip: 5 minutes later. Brought to you by Kawaii Akamaru!*

Third Person POV

After their laughter party, they all went to their staitions, Sakura and Akame as lead singers, Kiba as the drums, Naruto as the guitar lead, Ino as guitar (I dunno what they're called), Shikamaru as keyboard and Chouji as back-up singer with Ino. 

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