#NoMoreBullying - must read

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I was nominted by @StellaShimmers to do this.

So here I go...

People may be weak, disabled, mute, and deaf, but they who bully don't care. They may say they're weak, it means they had expirenced things that no one wants to expirence. They may say they're mute, it means they have sickness or they have a story she or he doesn't want to talk about.

They may say they're disabled, it means they grew up poorly. They may say they're deaf, it means they don't want to hear insults and mean things or they want peace themselves.

They may be like that, but it means they have expirienced worse than you bullies. I have been bullied myself in school. So many times I wanted to cut or even end my life.

But I didn't, because friends and family kept me sane. I have been insulted by even my own classmates, I've been called names, I've been kicked, punched, and even pushed off the stage.

I tried fighting back by talking to them, apologizing for what ever I did. They didn't accept, until now I hide from those who don't accept me.

Bullies are those who have you don't have, friends, lovers and even happiness. Those who talk behind your back Stay behind our back.

You are the world's light. Stand up and fight evil. Like Nickelodeon says "Say something" Fight, have courage to stand up for yourself.

This book, if you still remember Sakura's past, that is what I want to happen. I hope you follow Sasuke's example to protect a person you care or love about.

People, fight and stand up, be the inspiration of those who are bullied.
We who are bullied will stand up and fight. We will ignore the bullies and fight! Fight!

We are strong, we are wise, we are better than bullies. We are better then bullies! We will not lose to simple insults! We will take the risk and stay free! We will be brave! We will fight for our freedom!

Teach the bullies a lesson by doing this yourself, I nominate these people:


I want you people to write #NoMoreBullying.

Add a chapter to one of your famous books and write.

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