Chapter 27 ~ Detention

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Hey guys! Sorry in advance if the story is wibbly wobbly blah blah blah, I'm not used to using the laptop to make stories, I usually use my phone, which is pretty small... (Iphone 4)

Sorry for slow updates, because my family are always out so we always go to other places which is my problem at the time. Also, my school starts late, as it's supposed to. Schools are supposed to be open by June 1 and 8 but we have longer vacation because our school starts on June 22!!!

Sorry for my blabbing!! NOW ON TO STORY


Normal POV

After Sakura's drama, the involved people who are: Sakura, Sasuke, Ino, KIba, Naruto and Karin were called into the office. "People who were involved in the fight of the Uchiha, please enter the principal's office." Kiba grunted as he dragged Naruto with him to the office, Sakura just prayed under her breath and dragged Ino with her, while Sasuke calmly went to the office with a ranting Karin.

As they all met in front of the principal's office, Konoha 9 members shot glares at Karin and Sasuke, while Karin gave a glare and Sasuke giving his famous death glare. The door opened as the quickly turned around, to see a furious Tsunade-sama.

Sakura sweat dropped, while the others looked dead scared. Sasuke on the inside was scared, Karin hid behind him though. Tsunade yelled at them "Well!! CARE TO EXPLAIN?!" Sakura smiled awkwardly and replied "Y-yes... But he will do it!" while pointing at Sasuke. Sasuke drooped his head down in disbelief and thought to himself "Me? Why meeeee????"

Tsunade had then turned her head to Sasuke and motioned them to come in and sit down. Naruto whispered in Sakura's ear "Nice one." as he winked. Tsunade asked Sasuke "So Uchiha, what exactly happened hm?" while she was smirking evily. Sasuke knew he couldn't lie, but he lied a bit "I approached them and stared at them for a while, then when they noticed me, then just started fighting and shouting but I-" Sasuke cut off what he was about to say.

"You what?" Tsunade asked Sasuke, while raising an eyebrow. "Nevermind."

Sasuke replied, looking down at his feet. He thought "What will happen if I tell them?" "Uchiha, what was it you wanted to say?" Tsunade snapped at Sasuke. "I.... No, I can't say it." "Well, why is that?"

"None, of the Konoha 9 members and Taka members can know.." Sasuke replied slowly lifting his head up. While the Konoha 9 were confused.

"Okay, Konoha 9 and Karin you are all dismissed." Tsunade nodded, motioning everyone except Sasuke out.

"But- nevermind..." Naruto said out loud before walking out and closing the door behind him.

"So what is it?" Tsunade asked seriously. "I felt like I deserved it." Sasuke answered while he lifted his head up.

Tsunade was shocked and asked "Why?" "Because I hurt the one I loved the most when we were young." Sasuke said seriously, looking a bit mad.

"Who is that?" Tsunade asked shocked. "Sakura. Sakura Haruno." Sasuke said while glaring at her for asking. "Y-you are free to go Uchiha..." Tsunade replied while she sweat dropped.

Tsunade's POV (shocker huh?)

This boy.. He has guts. He loved that girl? I thought he was the most cold-hearted person that has no time for love, well I guess he wasn't but now he is.

I thought to myself while looking through the Uchiha's files. I flicked through every page except one. The page was a newspaper, about the Uchiha.

Newspaper: Sasuke Uchiha, finally going back to the cold-hearted guy we all once knew? Read article further for more information. Sasuke Uchiha, after rumors of his break-up which was confirmed to be true, he has been acting very cold after the break- up with his girlfriend, Sakura Haruno. He has been glaring, fighting and ignoring people recently, which makes him go back to his original, cold self after months of being with his girlfriend.

This boy is very protective of his lovers.

I thought and read as I fixed up all the documents. I heard a knock on the door, and saw that Sakura Haruno barged in hyperventilating. She was panicking, she knew I used to be a doctor because she's very close to me. "Na-naruto, h-he coughed up *pant pant* blood!" I was shocked because I was one of the doctors that hate blood.. "Okay, I'll be on my way."

Long time? Sorry i took a long time. We went to another place again.
Thanks for 4.95 K reads!!!

Bye! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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