Chapter 25

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Hey guys!! Sorry if I updated late!! No Internet No Update!!


Nobody's POV

6 years after the gang had left Sasuke, he had made a gang called Taka while Sakura and the others named their's Konoha9.

~To Sakura and Sakura's POV~




"Shut up!"

I stand up and snooze my alarm to see that it's my first day in school, my old school.

I stood up and stretched my arms while yawning, then suddenly my phone chimed that someone was calling, I looked at the caller I.D to see it was Ino.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered the phone. "Sakura! Hurry up! You don't wanna be late right?!" Ino yelled into the phone. "Jeez. Fine. Bye." I ended the call.

I wasn't really suprised at her.. Typical Ino... Heh.

I took a shower then changed into a red tank top, with a black leather jacket, with my slightly ripped jeggings and my leater boots. Yes, I know. I dress like a punk. Because that's what my group is Konoha 6 were a pop-rock band okay?

I went down and exited my house. Before I rode my motorcycle I called Naruto. "Hey Naruto." I greeted as he answered the call. "Yeah, Sakura?" He asked. "Meet, parking lot at school." I replied. "Yeah sure. I'll tell the others." He replied as he ended the call.

I rode my motorcyle putting on my helmet. My hair flowing through the wind as I drive.
(Her hair is long, until her back.)

~Time skip~

I arrived at school and parked my motorcycle with the other motorcycles. I looked around for Naruto and the others, I saw them standing by a post, once I saw them, I approached them.

"Hey guys." I greeted. "Hey Sakura. So what did you want to talk about?" Ino asked smirking. "Battle of the bands." I replied pointing to the poster. "Hn. Troublesome contest. So what about it?" Shikamaru asked while leaning on the post.

"We join,obviously.." Neji answered before me, he looked at me and smirked, then I nodded.
"Sure! Let's go we might be late."
Naruto added.

We went inside obviously looking like the coolest and baddest gang around. Fangirls and fanboys were staring and some are drooling.
Jesus, now I know how He felt.

We, the gang were all in the same classes. The first class was homeroom obviously, Kakashi-sensei, my old perverted sensei.

We went to the classroom as everyone stared at us. "Hey, Kakashi-sensei, still reading that book after all these years?" I said, breaking the silence. "Why isn't it my old student, Sakura. And yes, it's inspirational." He replied, looking at his book. I snickered at the comment an everyone got seated. Only 2 seats were available, beside me and beside someone else.

Two figures appeared, one male and female. I looked away and stared at the outside. (Window seat) "You appear to be late, Uchiha." Said Kakashi, I widened my eyes for a second at the saying.

Someone sat beside me and combed my hair. I looked directly at the person to see.... Sasuke Uchiha, the one and only...

Karin, appeared and said "Don't take Sasuke-kun away from me." "I won't he's not my type." I spat out deepening the He's and Not.

We flinched for a bit as Karin snickered and went to her seat. She stole Sasuke but meh. "That hurt." Sasuke said, faking pain in his chest.

"So what?" I spat out looking at Kakashi. Kakashi started discussing and everyone introducing themselves. Sasuke looked hurt for once heh.


Hey guys sorry if short chappy! I'll try to make longer ones! Thanks for 4000 reads whooo!!

Love ya guys!


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