Chapter 14 - Axel

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Another day another successful deal, Mr. Lu was not kidding his estate was just magical. I've never seen a vineyard like his nor tasted wine as divine as the one they're making in my life. I wondered how people hadn't discovered him yet. I know a bunch of people who would kill to have such unlimited land under their grasp but here I was being approached by him. He was a friend of Blake's family. When Blake's Father shared my journey with him, he just wanted to work with me in growing his brand. They were making orange wine, it was both rare and unique. Definitely, the game changer that I needed. I was going to be the first to introduce it to the market. To say I'm humbled was not the right word so, I settled on making a promise to him that I will do whatever I can to make sure that his dream is fulfilled.

I'm in my jet but I feel like it's not going fast enough. I miss my girls more than words could explain. I try my best to contain my excitement when an idea pops into my head. Buying Angel some flowers and surprise her at work. Yeah, that will do. Eight hours later one of my air hostesses woke me up, informing me that we will be landing soon. Yes, I own a Boeing 767, I have a pilot and two air hostesses on my payroll sue me. 

We found my driver and bodyguard waiting for me. He looked pissed, I wonder what Rachel did this time around, they hated each other ever since she accused him of being a pervert. "Leo, you look happy to see me", I mocked making him smile. "Boss, welcome back but am afraid you're not going to like this", he said as we got in the car. "You're being served", he said handing me an envelope. I was being summoned to court, Rachel wanted full custody. I couldn't get even a single moment to breathe, fuck! I took my phone out, called her and she answered on the first ring. "Oh so you finally return my calls after being summoned huh?", she said sarcastically making my blood boil. "Hi Rachel, if you allowed me to talk first you would know that I was away for work... We talked about this so where's this coming from?", I asked trying to control my breathing. "Good question, I suggest you ask your crazy girlfriend", she replied and hung up. I released a breath, knowing that it was not a big deal, I just went on to buy Angel some flowers, the lady told me to buy her Jasmines something about smelling good and stuff. I had to trust her intuition so I took them and went straight to her office. 

"Hi handsome, how can I help you?", the receptionist told me, clearly flashing her boobs at me. "I'm here to see Angel Carwyn", her eyes went wide, "Angel? You sure?", she asked looking surprised. "A hundred percent", I replied with a smile. "Ok, follow me", she said making sure to stand up in a way that I would see her curves or at least what she thought were curves because I have seen way better. It was a pool office with a minimum of ten people and there she was at the far end corner, she was concentrating on her computer, wearing her glasses like the sexy nerd she is, biting her lip whenever she was thinking too much, fuck I missed her and the closer I got the more nervous I was. Did I smell ok, shave or will she hate my growing beard? "Hey Angel, you have a visitor", the receptionist told her. "What?", she said not looking up making me smile. "I said, you have a visitor", she repeated sounding annoyed this time around, my girl looked up and her eyes met mine. Her face lit up and she stood up coming to hug me. I hugged her back, she giggled and pulled back blushing when she noticed her co-workers looking at us. "These are for you", I said giving her the flowers, she smelled them and closed her eyes. "Hi", she finally greeted me. "Hi partner, I missed you", I said looking at her in the eyes, making sure she got the second meaning. "You're so cheesy", she said giving me a chair to sit on. "I'm about to finish for the day, can you give me a few minutes?", "Yeah sure", she turned to her computer typing furiously making me smile. "Hey Axel, welcome to our miserable second home, how was your trip?", Iris asked pulling a chair sitting next to me. "It was ok, how have you guys been, anyone I need to kill?", I said earning a giggle from Angel. Iris laughed, "You got this one in the bag no need to worry about that", Lily said, she was the quiet one but both were protective of Angel so I was not worried. 

When she was done, I suggested that we go to my apartment instead. She wanted to pass by hers to pick up her work clothes for the following day along with her girly stuff. So we did. I was nervous, she was finally going to see my home. I was living in a penthouse in one of the buildings that I owned. It was an apartment building, like others most of the floors were contracted to corporate companies for their workers. I liked it because it was less busy and I got to have the whole top floor to myself without forgetting the private elevator. So privacy was good here. "This place is beautiful", she said as we got in the lift but I was not in a chatty mood as soon as the elevator doors closed, I connected her lips to mine, and she responded immediately moaning in the process. I liked how her body responded to me, it was like she was just made for me or maybe she was. I grabbed her ass squeezing it. The feeling was as delightful as I remembered. She moaned even louder making me want more but we had to control ourselves until we were in the apartment. I pulled back the moment the doors opened showing her the way in. I saw her eyes going wide as saucers. "You like?", I asked and it was like she just froze. "Axel this place is gorgeous. If I were you I would just lock myself in here forever", she said looking at the ocean view from a distance with awe.

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