Chapter 31 - Axel

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I would like to be as excited as Alice right now but she's not the one meeting 'the parents' besides, they already love her and here I am struggling to know if they will like me or not. It's nerve-wracking. I wish my parents were still alive, that way I could get advice on what to do. "Relax baby", Angel said pulling me in a kiss. I love kissing her soft lips. I pulled back and take in her happy face and her dark grey glasses that make her look so sexy and I smiled back. "If you let me have my way with you in the shower we wouldn't have to be in this situation", I whispered wiggling my brows. She smacked my cheek lightly then leaned on my shoulder. It was a two-hour flight, I wished it was longer so I would have time to prep myself. I looked at the second lane where Alice was sitting and saw she was asleep. I get why she's excited. She never got to meet my parents. This was her first experience with grandparents and I was happy that my Angel gave her that.

"Baby wake up. We're here", Angel whispered making me open my eyes. That was quick. "Axel Bane Knox. You worry too much", she said as we got off the seat ready to meet the Carwyns.

"Granny!", Alice shouted the moment the doors opened and started running leaving her bags behind. "Traitor!", I said under my breath but Angel heard and laughed at me as we pulled Alice's bags along. To my surprise. Angel looked nothing like her mother except for her curly hair and her height. She had some of her father's features. 

"You must be Axel. I'm Esme and this is Michael. Welcome to our home", she said cheerfully and pulled me in a hug. "It's a pleasure to meet you both", I said then shook her father's hand. He only nods as if studying me. "Alright, let's go", Esme said pulling me and Alice with her leaving Angel and her Father behind. They looked cozy together. I think she is Daddy's princess. I was surprised to see that they had a GMC Yukon Denali it was a fancy car, and it made me wonder what they did for a living.

I sat at the front with her father and the ladies in the back. They talked and sang all the way to the mansion. The house was so modern and had different shades of grey. The only thing that kept on being out of place was the flowers. And they smelled amazing. "Axel, Alice, welcome. Let me give you a tour while Michael and Angel take the bags up. Come on", she said excitedly. The place had a total of 6 bedrooms, the back yard was amazing and covered with flowers, and the garage had 4 cars three of them SUVs and one branded pickup truck written Carwyn Constructions the logo had angel wings which made me smile because I knew where that inspiration came from. 

We ended up in the living room where we sat and waited for Angel and her father to return. "Oh my look at the time, I need to get started on dinner. Alice mind giving me a hand?", she asked Alice who was by her side in a blink of an eye. "Axel, wanna come with?", Esme asked and I accepted. I sat at the counter and watched them move around. "Whiskey?", "Yes please". "So I need to know which team you're on. The cook or the judge?", she asked making me smile. "Does an omelet count?", I asked making Alice laugh. "He's definitely the judge GrandMa", she said and Esme faked a faint making them laugh harder.

She handed me a glass of whiskey and I settled with watching them as they cooked. A few minutes later the kitchen was smelling so good I lost focus. "This room smells so good. Is whatever you're making ready yet?", Michael said taking a spoon from the drawer and dipping it in the sauce, he licked it and made a satisfying sound making Esme roll her eyes. "Judge", Angel and Esme said at the same time. "Oh come on, I tried baking the muffins last time, it's not my fault the timer's volume was down", he whined and the two ladies rolled their eyes. He pulled Esme to his chest and kissed her, I looked away, it was weird making Angel laugh. "You'll get used to them", she whispered while standing next to me. "It's delicious baby", Michael told his wife and the love in his eyes made me want to be them. I wanted that. I wanted that with Angel.

"This is amazing Esme. Thank you", I said after taking a couple of bites. "You're welcome dear", she replied. We continue to eat in silence, Angel couldn't resist stealing some of my food. I ended up not protesting because I didn't want to make a bad impression on her parents. "Ok judges the floor is yours", Esme said as she lifted a tray with three glasses of wine. Two had actual wine and one had juice. I was lost. "Oh! judges wash the dishes and clean the kitchen", Angel said then kissed my cheek then followed her mum out of the kitchen. It was just me and Michael now. "I can wash the dishes while you clean the table, " I suggested, and he nodded.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?", he asked while sitting on the kitchen counter with a bottle of whiskey and a glass. "Well, I want to marry her one day... with your permission of course", I said putting the last plate on the cupboard. "Daren said the same thing and the moment he was told to choose he chose money and fame over her. What's to say you won't do the same?", he asked with furrowed brows. Daren Monroe, I remembered him. Yeah, he looked self-centered. "I won't, I have more to lose than her. My daughter is everything to me and the only person who has been able to get through to her has been Angel. Mr. Carwyn, I love your daughter. She's not just my girlfriend, she's the pillar of my family. She's my anchor. I might have a successful business and an amazing daughter but she makes me successful. I had given up on life, and love until I met Angel. She's amazing and I can't be who I am without her", I said hoping that it was going to be enough. "If you say so. Get a glass and tell me about this produce business of yours", he said pointing at the top cupboard.

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