Chapter 46 -Angel

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It's Lily and Blake's wedding day and I'm late because I had to take Wade to the airport. He had to go meet up with Dad and inspect the mall before the MEP phase. Alice saved me a seat so I was good but the downside was I drew attention to myself making a set of deep blue eyes land on me for a while longer than necessary. Alice held onto my hand the whole time, resting her head on my shoulder. Even though I've been spending time with her it's not the same, I know she feels it too but we've both settled to enjoy what we have than wanting more.

When the church ceremony was done it was time for celebrations. We went to the hotel where the was a hall decorated with pink flowers. It made me smile because it was Lily's favourite colour. She'll love it. "Angel, this is us", Alice said pulling me to a table where we found Rachel and Max sitting. "Hi Angel, it's been a while", Max said pulling me in a hug. "Yes it has, how've you been", I asked sitting next to Rachel who had a smile on her face. "I've been great", he said then went back to enjoying his drink.

"You look beautiful", Rachel whispered to me. "Right back at ya! But then again you always look this way. I can't believe you have a teenager", I told Rachel who ended up laughing. "Have you talked to him yet?", she asked making me shake my head. She didn't have to mention his name for me to know who she was referring to. "Dad has been ogling at her the whole time we were at the church", Alice said making me roll my eyes. "Look who's become an expert in eavesdropping", I teased then tickled her. "Stop it... Mum... do something", she said in the middle of laughing.

"Hi Angel", I stopped the moment I heard his voice. I turned to see him looking sharp in a dark blue suit. I guess they changed for the party. "Hi Axel, Looking good", I said with a smile that didn't reach my eyes. "You look good too", he said then we just stared at each other until Lily cleared her throat.

"Waoh! You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen", I said making Lily pull me in a hug. "Group hug!", Blake said hugging us both making us laugh just in time for the photographer to take a picture of us. "Let me rephrase that, you're the craziest couple I've ever seen", I said from between them making Rachel, Axel, and Alice laugh at me. It was nice to hear his laugh again.

When the time for the Bride and Groom to have their first dance came, we all stood in a circle and watched them. I had my camera on and recorded the whole thing. It was like the rest of us didn't exist. They looked so happy and in love. I found myself smiling while thinking of a certain huge guy and me doing the same thing one day and the thought made me feel at peace. My moment on the imaginary island was rudely interrupted by Anthony who pulled me into the middle of the dancing floor to dance with him. "Hi, shortie. I haven't seen you in a long time", he said with a smile. "I know, I'm sorry. I've been very busy", I said making him smile. When I looked around other couples were dancing as well. Axel was dancing with Alice who was laughing at something he said. It was a beautiful sight. "Wanna switch partners? I know you miss him", Anthony asked. "Nah! I prefer athletes", I said wiggling my brows making him chuckle. "So is he the reason why you don't come to the gym anymore?", he asked turning serious. "Sort of", "I hear you. I like the new guy too, when are we going to meet him? I know Iris is dying to interrogate him", he said making me laugh. "Of course she is. He has traveled but he'll be back next week and we'll invite you guys for dinner", I said and he nod in excitement.

"Mind if we swap partners?", Axel asked. I looked Anthony in the eyes hoping he saw my hesitation but the snitch pretended not to see it. "Sure X, she's all yours", he said while taking Alice's hand.

It felt weird and awkward being in Axel's arms again. I avoided looking at him in the eyes the whole time. "You look beautiful,"  he said making me turn to him. "Thank you", i said then turned away from him. "Congratulations on the promotion, I saw the article that you're a Director now", he said a little too close to my ear making me form a distance between us. He didn't seem to mind. "Thank you... congratulation on the expansion, I see business is booming", I said recalling what Lily told me about him expanding to other countries. He looked surprised. "Lily told me", "You guys still talk about me?", "Yeah, I mean it's impossible not to. I hang out with Lily and Rachel and Alice most of the time so we're bound to talk about you at some point", I explained making him nod. He looked sad and I didn't want to find out why. My phone started ringing and when I pulled it out of my purse it was Wade. "Excuse me, I have to take this", I said and I could have sworn he looked pissed but I chose to ignore it. I went to the hotel lobby and sat in the waiting area, away from the loud noises.

"Hi daddy bear", "Hi sexy, how's the wedding?", "It's amazing, Lily looks so happy", "As she should. Any photos?", "A lot, I'll send them to you when I'm settled", "Good, I can't wait to see how beautiful you looked tonight, I really wish I was there with you", "Hey, it's ok, I promise. How's Dad doing?", "I'm good as new. They've removed the cast so you can stop spying on me now", I heard Dad talking making me laugh. "Waoh, you put me on speaker without a warning? What a snitch", I teased making Wade laugh. "Angel, we gotta go, we'll talk later right?", "Absolutely. I love you daddy bear", "Daddy what?", I heard Dad ask, I hung up quickly before the situation could be more awkward and returned to the party.

  I found Lily and Iris dancing like mad women and I joined. 

"I can't believe you made me wear heels for you all day. My feet are killing me", Iris complained when we finally gave up on dancing. "What are you talking about you look comfortable in them", i said making her roll her eyes at me. "You'll thank me later", Lily said looking behind her making the both of us turn to look and found Anthony checking her out. "Oh, you're forgiven", she said in a rush. I felt eyes on me and turned to the other side of the room, I found Axel looking at me. I smiled at him and he did the same.

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