mmm monke

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"Hey we're here, flower fruit mountain!"

As he says that the boat takes a dive to the left from what looks like a spew of straight up fucking lava. Well shit, this is when the whole thing with PIF happens. It's time to fuck with people. Pigsy raises an eyebrow at me when I snicker thinking about how to word this. I speedwalk past him before he can say anything.

"Hey MK, you might wanna hold onto that staff real tight."

I'm pretty sure pigsy's glare is boring holes into the back of my head at the moment but he gets interrupted yet again by sandy talking. As sandy describes the flaming mountains I give pigsy a shit eating grin. Usually I would've stopped messing ith the guy but his reactions are just so funny.

We all get off the ship and I swerve around next to mei, hoping to avoid pigsy. Of course it didn't work but it was worth a shot. He grabs my shoulder roughly, obviously done with my shit to the umpteenth degree.

"What the hell did you mean when you told MK to hold onto the staff. What the hell aren't you tellin us?"

"Why do you ask pigsy just some friendly advice."

 God I am being such a little shit right now but how could I not, It's so funny.

"Don't give me that. After that whole seeing the future thing I don't believe you for a minute."

Before I responded, I dragged him out of the way as a geyser thing erupted. I suddenly regret going towards mei because as soon as she hears about the seeing the future thing I swear I see an actual sparkle in her eyes.


"Fine I'll admit it. I had a reason for saying that besides fucking with your head"


Ignoring him I continue speaking.

"Look all I can say is that if I tell you then the future will change and my predictions will be off. All I'll tell ya is that MK isn't in mortal danger at the moment he won't die."


"Well well well, aren't you a little monkey king fanboy?"

And this is where she shows up. Gotta thank her for the save but also retract thanking her because this means I have no time to plan. I gotta act fast. Everyone jumps around to dodge the GIANT FUCKING FIREBALL she throws at us.

"KIDS, Everyone okay?"

I stare at PIF as she laughs, I mean to be fair I would also find this shit hilarious from her perspective. Except I would be maniacally giggling my ass off.

"I'll be taking that staff now."

"This belongs to the monkey king. There's no way I'm letting you take it."

so what if you made a deal with an omnipotent god and then got hit by a carWhere stories live. Discover now