Macaque is a walking ad, the chapter

451 16 3

He was about to answer when an ad came on about a street race, oh yeah, episode 6

It went on about the peach of immortality, which wasn't actually a peach. Mei and MK got excited like in the show and tang did his whole exposition thing, honestly I was just wondering what I should do considering this is not an episode I should, would, or could get involved in.

 I decided I might as well just cheer them on from the sidelines since I have nothing else to do today. 

"I'm totally gonna win this thing" Aaand here we go.

"Wait- what. You're not racing, I'm racing! You've been watching me train for months, this should not be a surprise." Oh yeah, I think I saw some messages about that in the groupchat. I think she practiced while I took my days long nap. 

"Oh- uh- I just thought you were doing that stuff for me." I know it works out in the end but this line still makes me wanna slap his dumbass face.

"MK are you daft? Did you hit yourself on the head? How would that be for you it's literally her training" I knock on his head at the second part for emphasis. Mei gives him a death glare and he falls backwards. 

"But on reflection yeah that doesn't make much sense-" I don't get how he could've gotten that idea in the first place but whatever.

"How- would you even-" she sighs in frustration before turning around and pouting as I help MK back up. "There is no way you'd beat me." she's kinda right, I mean she's like a professional and MK's a delivery boy.

I stop paying attention when they go over to tang and try to pull him into it. eventually I get brought along with everyone else to support them (specifically mei) during the race since I don't have a car. 

I watch as DBK and iron fan join the race and all the chaos happens. When DBK drives through the mountain I reach into the popcorn bag only to realize that we are out.

"I'm gonna get more snacks I'll be right back!" I sprint over to the snack stands and go for a huge thing of regular popcorn, a small thing of caramel popcorn for myself, a few sodas, and a water (carbonated drinks are the bane  of my existence). Since inflation is WAY less bad here as it was before I died.

I start to head back as soon as I get the snacks from the various stalls until I'm interrupted by getting tripped, in my defense I can barely see in front of me with all this stuff stacked in my bag (said bag being courtsey of when some lady saw how much of a hard time I was having carrying all this shit) how am I supposed to see my feet?????

 I fall flat on my face but manage to save the snacks, 1 point for me, 0 points for the dick who tripped me. I get up and promptly get fucking yoinked into the alleyway next to the track just out of sight of the group, god damn it. I dust myself off just to see none other than the emo theater kid monkey.  

 I wonder when I can get back to the race, should I worry about the dickhead in front of me? Most likely, but he's honestly not gonna be much trouble yet. I don't want anyone to come looking for me, this would be really annoying to explain and I don't wanna worry about it right now.  So what should I even do? What even is there to do?

"Okay what do you want?" This is like really inconvenient, couldn't he have pulled this shit when I wasn't in a very busy area? Like come on there are SO many other alleyways why this one. 

I can already feel the upcoming migraine this is gonna give me. He stepped away all flowy dramatic theater kid like and I scooted the food away just in case, I am not paying for extras and just wasting all that perfectly good food.

"Rude, I'm just a kind passerby who noticed you having trouble with your bags." Seriously? THAT's what he's going with? What an ass cover, I thought he was a good actor. How dissapointing.

"What kind of 'kind stranger'-" I say in heavily exaggerated airquotes. "-trips someone when they're just carrying their food?" He smiles and I can tell he's just being fake nice for shits and giggles.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He puts his arm around my shoulder and twirls me coincidentally deeper into the alley towards the dumpster at the dead end. I think about biting his fucking hand off but before I can he lets go of me.

He hands me a flyer to the shadow play, isn't that surprising I totally didn't think that was a possibility wow what a shocker. Totally didn't know he was related to that at all. Never would've guessed

"How about you show up to my play, make sure to bring a friend with you" Wow has he stooped this low that he's pulling people into the fucking alley to advertise his show? Wait- he's trying to get me to convince MK to come isn't he? 

"Mhm, sure. Now if you'll excuse me-" He cuts me off like an absolute bastard and shoves me out of the alleyway. 

"Great! See ya"  He disappears into smoke by the time I look back like a street magician. I mean that is a pretty solid way to get MK to go I'll hand it to him. I dust myself off and grab the food. When I check my phone I realize it's been like 20 minutes. Shit.

 I run back to the spot where everyone was watching the race which is mostly on the TVs around the place and stop just out of their line of sight to wipe the sweat off my forehead and make sure I didn't seem any more suspicious than I already do. When I get back I see that the race is already almost over, yay.

"And what took you so long?" Pigsy asks me accusingly, and as I hand off the snacks to the rest of the group I feel like if I weren't able to regenerate I would keel over from the absolute death glare he's giving me.

"There were just really long lines, okay" 

(A/N HEY GUESS WHO'S BACK, sorry I took so long I was just getting my ass kicked by this chapter and I rewrote it a bunch of times. also 2.2k, Fucking. Views. HOLY SHIT. THAT'S LIKE SO MANY. Also I'm working on the cover are finally so yay, expect another chapter in 3-5 business weeks lmao)

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