always wear a seatbelt kids

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They check their phone only to see it's 9 in the morning. "Damn it."

They roll over and groan. Of course, they just had to jinx it. They sit up and change from their pullover hoodie into a white t-shirt, some different black sweats, and their purple jacket. "What episode is next? Wasn't it.. OH SHIT-" They realize that the next episode is skeleton key. Usually they'd assume there's more time between episodes, but they know LBD will want to work fast. It also helps they got a message from Mei about the Mayor showing up to give MK a key to the city.

They head over to Pigsy's noodle shop and everyone is already hanging out there while waiting for the Mayor to get there. When they walk in the bell over the door rings and brings attention to them. They awkwardly walk towards the rest of the group and sit at one of the stools sitting in front of the door just in time for the Mayor to start talking. "Thank you for this amazing turn out."

 Mei seems pumped and they have to dodge a stool she throws out of enthusiasm. "Woo hoo! Let's hear it for Monkey Kid! Hero of the city!" Carter claps politely when Mei says that before turning to the Mayor, watching the unnatural body movements as he hands MK the skeleton key. "As Mayor I hereby give Monkey Kid the key to our fair city."

MK seems confused and as the Mayor gives his ominous speech about the uses for the skeleton key Carter can't help but think it's a little obvious that he's both not the Mayor and a villain. After the Mayor laughs maniacally and disappears they can't help but nod along when Mei says "Huh, I'm starting to think.. that's maybe not the Mayor." 

MK doesn't seem phased and Carter says "I mean he was kinda creepy. And he kinda moved like a doll. And I don't even remember what the Mayor looks like but I'm pretty sure the Mayor didn't have grey hair with a white streak and such odd fashion sense. Was the Mayor even a guy?" Mei nods along but MK shrugs. "It's probably fine. Besides we've gotta check out what this cool key can do!"

MK drags Mei and Carter with him and when the rows of doors show up they're a little startled. It's a lot weirder to see when you're physically there and not watching a show. They float with MK and Mei in the zero gravity zone until MK and Mei decide to play a two player arcade rpg while Carter is busy trying to find their phone in the zero gravity zone. 

Eventually they find it but MK and Mei get bored and run out of the arcade and go outside, getting distracted by a truck from animal control. Before they can ague against letting out possibly rabies ridden animals MK has already opened the door and they have to run from a tiger. Why was there a tiger in a big city like this anyway? Eventually the group loses the tiger and MK moves on exploring new things with the key.

They end up going to a bunch of different places and doing things they're sure are illegal. Did MK steal that ice cream? They're too busy getting dragged around for the next few hours until MK has a realization. "Guys! Wait! Okay hear me out, we know the key can magically unlock anything right?" Mei and Carter nod. "Bit it can also magically lock anything too!" 

Carter facepalms and Mei replies with an "are you stupid?" look. "You literally just described all keys." Carter nods. "Yeah dude, that's obvious." MK holds the skeleton key defensively. "Sure. Yeah. Fine. But do you know what this means?" Having this key, this power, it's so much responsibility. But I know what we need to do." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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