Oh god the plot is plotting

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"There were just really long lines, okay" 

He was skeptic but eventually he let it go. I handed out the cold food and continued watching the race. Just like in the show Mei and MK won first place together and red son gets pissy. Then MK and red son find out the peach is stone, I get a bit bored and just wait for Mei and MK to be done with their whole thing.

When they get over to the group sandy pulls them into a rib crushing hug and pigsy tells them he's proud of them (he then starts yelling at MK about crashing the fucking delivery vehicle). We all get into the car we drove here with since the others were kinda wrecked.

"THIS IS COMING OUT OF YOUR PAYCHECK" Pigsy scolds MK for breaking the damn delivery vehicle while everyone else kinda does their own thing. 

Tang is reading, mei is posting about the race, pigsy is scolding MK, MK is apologizing to pigsy, sandy is driving, and I'm half watching lore videos for a game I just ordered and half watching pigsy and MK. I zone out for awhile as we drive back to the shop. 

When we get there everyone orders food including me and we celebrate mei and MK winning the race. I absolutely DEVOUR my bowl of noodles in about 5 seconds and proceed to start coughing violently, whoops. I chug water and MK looks at me horrified.

"Slow down dude, you're gonna choke!" I finish off the last of my water and eventually stop coughing. After a second of awkward silence I croak out an "I'm good" with a thumbs up and promptly faceplant into the counter. My throat burns like hell right now.

I just wanna rest my head for a moment. Maybe a few moments actually. After more awkward silence everyone continues what they were doing and I eventually peel myself off of the counter. I watch the TV in the corner of the shop along with mei, MK, and tang. Some breaking news segment cuts off the middle of the show right before the best part.

"OH COME ON" Mei and MK grumble about it because it was their favorite part, something about a demon terrorizing people- oh god damn it it's red son. I look over to MK who is already heading out of the door. He yells "Sorry gotta go deal with this!" as he runs out.

"Well I'm gonna head home, the news is probably gonna take over the rest of the episode anyways" I shrug and head out the door. After figuring out where they were fighting I avoided walking through main streets and mostly ran through alleyways and rooftops. Call me dramatic but it's just fun okay?

Once I get to the area they're fighting at I watch them from one of the nearest unoccupied roofs and sit down. I have no clue what red son is after but I don't really care, I'm mostly watching just in case, also maybe it'll give me some ideas in case I have to deal with red son before he becomes a good guy, more like becomes a less evil guy but whatever.

As they're fighting I notice a lot of collateral damage on red son's part. It's kind of hard to ignore when a huge ass chunk of road gets flung in your direction. I swing at it reflexively and accidentally launch it right towards red son. Whoops. I duck down so that from their perspective I'm under the edge thing and out of sight and I swear the silence is palpable.

Red son yells something about how rude it is to interfere with his plans like that and the fight resumes, I head down into the area between the building I was sitting on top of and the building behind it and sneak over a few streets away. I keep watching the fight and get the brilliant idea to record it to study later. After the fight MK tries to check up there but I've already moved to a different area. 

Once I'm sure MK isn't close enough to see me I head back home, this time normally. When I walked through the door I remembered the flyer from macaque. As much as I don't want to help his annoying ass I also do need to progress the plot a bit. I take a picture of it and send it in the groupchat, asking if they want to come. They say yes and start planning how everyone is gonna get there and all that.

I just flop into bed and fall asleep, today was a long ass day and I do not have energy for anything else at the moment. When I wake up I'm confused, this isn't my bed. I get up and look around- or I try to- but everything is pitch back. as I walk I notice the floor is somewhere in between solid and liquid.

I never fall through and by all accounts it's as solid as a regular floor but I still see tiny ripples every time I take a step. But I'm not walking. It's like someone else is moving my body for me. Eventually I hear something, it sounds like speaking but I don't know the language. As I walk I notice something in the distance. Is that- a mirror?

Apparently that's where I'm headed. As I get closer I make out  figure in the reflection, most of it is too blurry to distinguish outside of two eyes on it's head. Whatever is puppeting me has me sit down and put my hand on the mirror, what the fuck? The thing mimics my movement a second later and the mirror starts to shatter and it jumps at me. In that moment I try to get away but it's too fast and- 

I wake up. 

(A/N like zoinks scoob! I'm sorry I just had to pull out the bold italics for that end. Also after a shit ton of filler I have started the plot train, get ready for angst, plot, and more angst because I love making my characters hurt.)

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