just a short 3 day long nap

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"Well this certainly isn't good considering I'm iron deficient"

As soon as the clone left I started trying to find a way to not be upside down at the very least. Eventually I took a bit of the rope that was restraining me and maneuvered so that I would be right side up and then tied it so that I would stay. 

I tried to watch the MK clone but I eventually got bored and fucking fell asleep. I woke up when I heard yelling, the clone was rambling about improvements and it was honestly giving me a headache.


I see him snap over to me, this'll be fun. I continue to annoy the clone. Eventually he walks over and motions to sandy threateningly. Isn't this when MK gets here? 

"It just needs one. More. Coat."

I see sandy lean away and I feel bad for the poor guy. Sandy is so sweet he really doesn't deserve this.

"Missed a spot"

"What- where?!"

As he says that he glows and poofs into hair like all clones do.

"Hey MK, mystic monkey business?"


"You look like you're going through a punk emo phase dude how many of those damn things did you even make?"

"Uh- I think that's the last one"

He still has porty MK to deal with so that would be incorrect. MK helps me and sandy get down from our rope prisons and the first thing I do is start heading home. I waved goodbye to sandy and MK as he headed off to deal with porty MK.

As I headed off I felt the cold on my legs, damn I really will never get used to that. I looked over when I heard something and saw MK in the delivery car through the alleyway. Fuck I really hope he didn't notice me.

I head off on a slight detour to make sure I don't bump into MK again and stay in alleys as much as possible. As soon as I get home I grab all the baked shit sandy wanted that doesn't need to be refrigerated and put it into a box. Next time I see sandy I'll give him that and the rest.

I flop onto the bed and finally pass out. When I wake up I see several missed calls and some texts in the groupchat. Huh, weird I only took a short nap- HOLY SHIT IT'S BEEN 3 DAYS. That's what I get for not sleeping for almost a week.

My stomach growls and I thank my previous stress baking adventures for making so much damn food. I open the fridge and immediately pull out some of the already baked stuff I kept to myself. Man I fucking love this recipe, but maybe that's the hasn't eaten in 2 days part of me talking.

After I finish the tupperware of cookies I put it in the sink and look through my phone. This is gonna be fun.

greendragon (trademark): U alive??

Noodle man: I thnik their dead

wow you managed not to misspell dead, good job

also I'm not dead I just passed out for like 3 days straight lmao

Noodle man: 3 DYAS?????

good job genius you misspelled the word days, really proving your intelligence here. And yeah thats what I get for not sleeping in like a week lmao

when I say it through text that sounds a lot less funny and a lot more concerning-

I shove my phone in my pocket and check the time, 3:38pm. Welp that's close enough to lunch for me. I shrug and head out the door after changing my clothes. Heading to the market I look at my list to try and remember what groceries I needed. As I walked by a stall I stopped for a second as I heard a familiar voice.

Wait is that- IS THAT RED SON?? He seems to be arguing with some lady about raised prices. I try to ignore it until I realize he's right at the stand I need to stop by first. If I don't do it now I'll definitely forget to later. I sigh as I walk over, trying to not attract any attention from fire boy.

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

I mutter to myself about the ridiculousness of it all until I get behind red son. I stand there for a few minutes before giving up and tapping him on the shoulder. The stall owner looks at me in horror as I do what would probably make a lot of citizens piss their pants casually.

"'ey red boy can ya do me a favor and shut the fuck up for five seconds? If it bothers you so much I'll literally buy whatever you want from here so you stop wasting time."

I deadpan at him as he stares at me for a moment, his hair sparks and I get the idea to step back before I get charred like a burger at an american cookout. As predicted his hair bursts into flames as he sputters about how he's red son and that if anything I'm wasting his time.

"Look. Buddy, pal, amigo, broski, bro, dude, homeslice, breadslice, dawg, duderoni, homie. I literally just woke up from a 3 day long nap like less than an hour ago and I really don't have time for your egotistical bullshit. How's about ya buy your shit and skedaddle, Kay?"

I say the last part with the most customer service smile I can muster, honestly this guy is being a total karen.

"AND WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN SPEAK TO ME THAT WAY- wait a minute, you're one of noodle boy's friends I remember you! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO ATE DUCT TAPE"

At this point I just push past him and buy what I wanted. 

What was it he was yelling about again? Oh yeah some peppers or something. I buy my shit and leave slipping the peppers into a bag he had with a note. I left while he went on for awhile before he noticed the peppers.

For some reason he decided to read the note out loud like a complete idiot.

"Hey red boy I heard u ranting about these so I bought u some and put em in ur bag. Now why don't you stop being a little bitch and go on with your day. With spite, duct tape bitch"

I looked just in time to see the note be burnt, what a waste of paper.

(A/N HEY READERS sorry for not uploading yesterday I woke up at 11am and it was hard to write because I wasn't able to go downstairs and I was dehydrated and lightheaded. I sill wrote a bit so today y'all get a chapter woo)

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