tries to go to arcade, chaos ensues

423 19 5

God I fucking hate spiders.

I walked through the door and ordered the noodles I've gotten every single time I've eaten here. I am a creature of habit AND autism While I wait, I see Mei walk in, she looks at me and blinks, before I can prepare she jumps at me and starts talking about how worried she was and about how she got the sword, which she seems pretty proud about.

 She goes on for awhile and at some point I can't help but zone out as she rambles, Once she's done telling me the (slightly exaggerated) story about how she came into possession of the sword, she takes a deep breath for a second. wait- DID SHE SAY ALL THAT WITHOUT BREATHING?????? 

"OH HEY Me and MK are going to the anti-gravity arcade tonight wanna come?" She seemed excited and honestly I don't think I'll be sleeping anytime soon, 3 days was a bit more than necessary and if I know myself in any way, I know that I won't be sleeping naturally any time soon so I might as well try and tire myself out.

"Sure, when are we going?" I ask Mei and she thinks for a second, I mean MK has to like- shower and all that after work right? doesn't that take time? 

"Ehhhh about 7:00?" I mean makes sense. We couldn't just go with him being a mess, it would be a bad example if there were TWO absolute disasters in the group. 

Sorry MK but I'm the friend that looks like a dumpster fire, not you. I ask her to message me  when they find a table so that we can meet up when we get there and she agrees and heads over to pigsy asking something about MK. 

Probably something about when his shift ends, based off of the previous conversation . I look back down at my now cold noodles and eat it in 2. Fucking. Bites, Pigsy looks at me like I'm an utter fucking buffoon (which I am) as to how the hell I fit that many noodles in my mouth, what can I say I'm just superior that way. 

I stand up and leave after that because honestly the noodles were kina soggy from sitting too long which ruined the experience. When I get home the first thing I do is turn the TV on for background noise and scroll through social media.

-- timeskip bc this shit is boring--

I walk in the doors of the anti gravity arcade and check my phone. I hear my name and turn to MK and mei who are sitting in a booth pretty close by. 

"HEY COME OVER HERE" After a lot of dodging people and maneuvering around random shit sitting on the floor next to people I sat down. I talk to mei and MK for awhile, eventually they start talking about some new monkey themed thing coming out and I zone out.

I am very kindly zoned back in when something comes flying towards my face. It barely misses and hits my chest instead. I look around and see utter chaos. MK is fighting some demons and shit is getting destroyed and thrown everywhere.

 After my (rather rude) awakening I decide it would be best to get away from the action. I almost cartoonishly sneak over towards the anti- gravity area and watch from behind an arcade machine that was unceremoniously ripped from the ground and tossed over.

 After awhile of fighting MK seems tired and I am tired of waiting for this to be over so I let the goop(™ ) cover my arm and head far enough that MK wouldn't recognize me and I chuck it at the demon. It lands and makes that dude go from 3d to 2d real fast.

 MK looks around but by the time he looks in the direction of where I was previously I already made my way a safe distance from the commotion. I feel the cold go away after I focus a but and I briefly wonder what would happen if they saw it but I dismiss it, that's a problem for future me. After a minute I head over and see mei come out from under a table a few booths away.

"You good MK?" I shove my hands in my pockets and grab a particularly long piece of metal and poke the 2d demon while MK seems traumatized.

"I didn't know you could like-" I gesture vaguely with the piece of metal "flatten shit like this. That is brutal man" Mei goes up and looks at the pancake of a demon before promptly looking away and trying not to throw up.

"BUT- BUT I- I DIDN'T-" He wheezes and I pat him on the back

"Ya gotta breathe my man" He collects himself before he continues

"BUT I DIDN'T DO THIS! THAT'S THE THING. AN ARCADE MACHINE JUST WENT FLYING AND HIT THEM!!" He seems confused, bamboozled, downright flabbergasted.

"Thennnn- who did?" Mei popped up directly besides MK to ask.

"I DUNNO THEY WERE GONE BY THE TIME I LOOKED" They kept going back and forth and eventually I just said bye and left. Mei waved and I don't think MK heard me. I speed home and pass out on my bed asap.

I wake up and reach under my pillow to grab my phone, 12pm isn't too bad. I get up and check the pantry, I'm reminded that I'm out of groceries and that a certain noodle shop owner owes me said groceries. I change my clothes and head over to his shop, I throw open the door oh so dramatically and go up to the counter, after saying hi to mei and MK, of course.

"Pig man you owe me groceries." I stare at him and he looks back, probably not remembering why he owes me groceries. I clear my throat before speaking.

"Remember? The whole spider thing? You cost me my groceries via your desperateness, does that ring a bell?" He sighs and while I wait for him to finish up what he's doing I plop my ass down next to tang. He doesn't bother me so I don't bother him. and go back to our respective businesses (businessi? businesses? business??)

He was about to answer when an ad came on about a street race, oh yeah, episode 6

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