Finally, a break. Or not

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I still found it a bit weird that she made friends so fast but I'm still in a damn cartoon world, not to mention extroverts make quick friends so that's probably it. As soon as I get to my apartment and see that it's not destroyed I collapse onto the bed. That was a long ass day.

Once I wake up I check the time and- of course I just had to wake up early. I just had to wake up at 4am. Curse my damn sleep issues. I get up and check the weather. It's a consistent 65 degrees farenheit all week. I mean that makes sense considering they have a controlled weather station.

Stretching and yawning I go out to check the pantry, only to remember how I got into all this in the first place. Right, guess it's good to shop before the morning rush. Thanks to whoever invented digital maps because I'm sure I would die without them. 

I change into a hoodie and some sweats thank god the lady who lived here before me didn't wear many jeans. Denim is the bane of my existence and I will avoid it at all costs. Double checking I have everything before I head out the door. 

Locking it behind me, I look at the gps every 5 seconds to make sure I'm going to the right place. 24/7 stores are my savior. I get a few things, shit to make spaghetti, chips, the works. I already pulled all the money from the lady who used to own the apartment (who will now be known as the pervious owner because that's a mental mouthful)'s bank account and put it into my own account  just in case her family ever closes hers.

I pay and immediately leave just trying to get home and back to bed as soon as possible. While I'm walking I spot some dude in a weird ass dude in a robe turning a corner. Usually I wouldn't follow them but it just so happens that they're walking in the same direction that my apartment's in.

After a few turns and them still going the same way I just hope that I don't look like a stalker. Eventually we go different ways and I head back home. Christ that was weird as fuck. When I get home I put everything away and flop onto my bed yet again.

Okay I feel like I'm bring watched. And not the usual way. I wait for a few minutes before jumping up and throwing a pillow at a random corner. I swear I heard some sorta laugh. I decide to do the smart thing and walk around the house turning all the lights on before going back to bed.

Going back to sleep was more hard than I thought it would be and I end up scrolling through social media until 6am when I finally fall asleep. I wake up to several texts from the groupchat. Flipping into my back and looking at them I see mei was mentioning hanging out at some arcade? 

OH YEAH- I remember that. It was the anti gravity arcade that porty MK took over that one episode. Holy hell mei uses a lot of emoticons, it's actually sweet in a way. Anyways she was asking about going there after MK was done with his shift.

when does MKs shift end-

greendragon (trademark): At like 6pm :]


noodle man: ye aboit tgen

how tf did you manage to misspell words with less than 3 syllables

noodle man: dotn buly me

you need to retake 2nd grade

noodle man: I am OFFDEND >:[

 I walk into the kitchen and pull out some cheese slices and bread. Just because I'm in lmk doesn't mean I can cook for shit. I'm pretty sure I'd burn my kitchen down if I tried cooking actual food. Buttering the pan and putting the burner at medium, I work the cheese around so it's evenly spread.

After it's done cooking I put on the second one and set a timer for the first to cool off. As much as I love grilled cheese I also hate burning my mouth. Once the timer goes off I flip the second one and pull the first one in half. Gotta love that satisfying melted cheese look. I absolutely fucking devour it in 3 bites.

Flipping the second one again I go back to scrolling through social media. Today is gonna be a long day.


I lean onto the armrest of the couch and flip the channels before giving up and settling on the news. Unlike the news from before I died the news here is actually interesting and non-political as all of that seems to have already been resolved here.

As I half-listen to the news I realize- wait- god damn it. It's the first episode. I look over to MK just as he sticks his staff into the deck. 

"Damn MK, moved on from fighting DBK to fighting a boat. How anticlimactic."


"I just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop and I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day."

"Oh piggy relax a little time off never hurt anyone."

"Yeah! A little time off never hurt nobody"

Fuck it, I got nothin else to do but join em.

"Yeah pigsy, ya ever hard of chillin?"

What was I forgetting about this part again? Oh yeah, the crate.

(A/N HEY READERS sorry again for another late update I had a therapy appointment today so I couldn't write this earlier. Also mayhaps immortality reveal? I haven't decided yet. Also if it wasn't clear the insert is now under the crate that crushes MK in that one scene so do with that as you will.)

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