Imagine Naming a Character 18 Chapters In

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could not be me.

They wake up.

They sit there for a moment. "What was I dreaming about again?" They blink, already having completely forgotten it. "It seemed important but.. meh." They shrug and go back to sleep, only to have the same dream again,

and again,

and again,

and again.

 Eventually after having the dream for the furth or fifth time they admittedly get a little sick of it. Yet again they sit up, still breathing a little faster than usual as they wipe the sweat off their forehead. "I swear to the gods, if I have that dream one more time, I'm going to loose it." They take a deep breath and pick up their phone, pointedly ignoring the reflection showing how much of a hot mess they look like, and see it's about 4 in the morning. They sigh and get up to grab the laptop they'd found hidden under the mattress.

After looking through the small notebook the lady who lived here before used to keep her passwords in for a few minutes, trying different passwords that didn't work because apparently she was allergic to organization, they finally find the password to the laptop, had they already opened the laptop before? If they had, they have no memory of it or the password to the laptop. Typical.

"Jesus Christ. I'd hide my laptop under my mattress too if I had this many tabs of bowser x luigi porn on my laptop. I mean enjoy what you enjoy but this is just concerningly excessive. There is not a single scenario in which you need 54 tabs of this shit." They mutter to themself as they clear the browser history and log out of the lady's old email. After logging in to the one they created they shut the almost dead computer and begin their search for a charger.

Heading into the living room they find a laptop charger in a tangled mess of wires that was sitting in a drawer in the TV stand. They plug it into the power strip and put the laptop on the coffee table as it charges. In the meantime they turn the TV on and start one of the shows they'd become interested in after seeing a trailer for it while scrolling through social media.

After an incredibly long binge session and more snooping on the computer they'd found they eventually get bored and turn on the regular non subscription TV. And just when they think they're finally gonna have a peaceful day, the movie that was playing to be interrupted by breaking news. They groan in annoyance. "Are you shitting me?" they gesture at the TV like an Italian chef watching someone fuck up a simple pasta. Just when they were getting emotionally invested!

As they half listen to the news they hear something about missing people, this manages to pique their interest and they actually listen to the news, unmuting the TV and looking up from their phone. Apparently some people have been going missing next to the theatre Macaque has been doing shows at, the same one one of the future episodes is supposedly taking place in. Of course Macaque of all people would be the one interrupting their precious mindless media consumption, what an asshole. 

Can they not perpetuate dumb American stereotypes in peace? Anyways, Macaque being a douchebag aside, what episode is next again? They try to think about the past few weeks. "Uhhh, so I think the last one was the great wall race and that was like.... episode 6, right? What was episode 7 again? Oh yeah, the impossible delivery. Well that's not really something to worry about." They couldn't really help or do anything with that one so doesn't really effect their schedule. The one after that is the skeleton key episode. 

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