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A/N: This is a backstory how Mira discovered about vampires. Takes place in England during a college trip.

-Third Person-

March 2nd, 1998.

"Are you planning on studying abroad here, Mira?"

"I'm thinking about it."

Mira Jackson took a sip of her coffee as she talked to her sorority sister and best friend, Jennifer Downs. The Catholic sorority, Alpha Nu Omega, decided to take their English major class on a field trip to England, despite it still being winter. However, this year was Mira's last year of college, then she'll graduate and enter the real world, which she wasn't really ready for just yet, since she was cloistered all throughout her life due to her Catholic upbringing, much like the rest of the sorority girls. Right now, Mira and Jennifer were in a coffee shop, talking about their futures.

Jennifer lit a cigarette, changing the topic. "Hey, do you remember that boy group that went missing last year? Did the police found them or no?"

Mira sighed sadly as she dug her fingers into her hair; it's been a year since the pop boy group Backstreet Boys went missing with no one knowing what happened to them. Literally half of the sorority, who was fans of the group, said that their tour bus broke down, so they had to stay at an old castle; the next morning, they went missing, along with their bus driver. Mira knew one of the members, Nick, since she always babysat his younger brother, Aaron, whenever he had to go practice with the group. She prayed that they were safe and sound.

A newspaper was then placed on their table. Jennifer took a drag of her cigarette as she picked up the newspaper to read it.

"There's been some attacks here lately," said Jennifer, releasing the smoke from her mouth. "And they all occurred at night. I wonder what's going on?"

"Probably just an animal attack, Jen" replied Mira.

"We heard that it was a vampire attack. Someone has been luring people over a party-line and attacking them."

The two girls looked up and saw two guys staring above them; one had dark brown hair and wore a plaid button up, a white t shirt, some overalls, and a pair of sneakers. The other one had black-hair with spikes. He was wearing a yellow t shirt, a red long sleeve jacket, some black pants, and a pair of sneakers as well. They were handsome, but something was off about them, especially the black-haired man, whose skin was pale, making his dark hair and cold blue eyes stand out.

"Really?" Jennifer said, cocking an eyebrow. She didn't know what vampires were, since monsters were against their religion. She looked at the dark-haired guy, who was looking thirstily at her, feeling goosebumps beginning to form on her back. She let her curly hair down, making it cover both sides of her neck.

"Vampires don't exist, Jen" scoffed Mira.

She then felt the black-haired man's gaze on her as well. She then noticed a sorority sister outside of the coffee shop, signaling her to come on. Mira and Jennifer left a tip for the waiter, gathered their things, and left the coffee shop, still feeling the two guys' gazes on them.


It was nighttime, and Mira was walking down the street to the dormitory where the sorority sisters were staying at. She needed a breath of fresh air after hearing that dumb story at the coffee shop earlier. Leaning back against the wall, she took a deep breath and looked at the sky, praying that the group was safe. Taking a cigarette out, she was getting ready to lit it, until she heard a noise.

A crash and a scream was heard, alerting Mira to run and find where the noise came from. She ran to an alleyway and saw the two guys from the coffee shop huddling over a girl, who was backed against the wall. Grabbing a trash can, she threw it at the two dudes, knocking them down. She ran towards the girl.

"Get out of here! Now!" She exclaimed to the girl, whose shoulder was mildly scraped. The girl nodded as she started running. The spiky-haired man then pushed her against the wall, showcasing dark red eyes.

"Do you believe in us now, darling?" He asked her, his British accent sending chills down her spine, brushing a few strands of her black hair away from her neck. The dark haired was behind the spiky-haired, his eyes a dark red color.

Mira could just nod, completely paralyzed with fear and anxiety; her heart thumped erratically, avoiding both of the men's gazes by closing her eyes, hoping that this was just an awful nightmare. She wanted to wake up in her warm dormitory, with the rest of the sorority sisters blaring either *NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys at full volume.

The spiky-haired then smiled, revealing sharp canines, urging Mira to snap out of the paralysis and knee him in the groin, causing the dark haired guy to jump back in shock. Mira gave a swift punch to the dark-haired's face and ran away from the alleyway.

As she was running, she looked back to make sure that none of those guys were following her, then she made it back to the dormitory, where she saw Jennifer waiting on her on the chair, smoking a cigarette.

"Mira! What took you so long—" Jennifer started to say, but Mira cut her off, breathing heavily.

"You know those two guys we saw at the coffee shop?"

"Yeah, what about them?"

"I think they're causing the attacks around here at night because I saw them trying to feed off a girl."

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"They're vampires! They actually exist!" Mira shouted, taking off her jacket and placing it on the coatrack. Jennifer signaled Mira to lower her voice, but it was too late.

"Young lady, where have you been?"

The girls looked up and saw their housemother, Mother Joelle, glaring at Mira, who had the most guiltiest look on her face. Should she tell her housemother that she saw two vampires trying to feed off a human girl, or make up a horrible lie?

Before Mira can even speak, Jennifer cut in.

"She just had an episode, that's all, Mother Joelle."

"Well, both of you, in your rooms, now."

The two girls walked up the stairs and went into their separate rooms after saying goodnight to each other. While showering, Mira remembered one of the guys saying something while she was running away.

"We're going to find you, one day."

After toweling herself off and slipping on her pajamas, Mira got in bed and tried to go to sleep, wanting to forget what had happened tonight.

Before she can even do that, she heard a scream outside from the dormitory.

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