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-Third Person-

After they had fed off another victim, the boys were back at their hideout for the night, talking or pranking each other. They heard that Mira and Hedy (alias Jeanne) are taking care of Aaron, Nick's brother, while their parents are out of town to go to his and the actual band's funerals. Nick was stalking the girls outside of the apartment complex just a couple of hours ago, watching the boy sob about his actual brother being dead. Right now, he was joking around with Brian.

Suddenly, A.J. spoke up.

"How about we pay Hedy a little visit?" He suggested, a smirk forming on his face. "We haven't seen her in so long since she transformed into a vampire."

Brian scoffed. "She still looks the same, she just dyed her hair black and got it highlighted."

"She's also around your height" Nick said sarcastically.

"Do you still miss hearing her moans that night when you two did it?" Kevin snickered, earning a laugh from the rest of the group.

A.J. blushed, still remembering the night when Hedy lost her virginity to him. He wanted to make sure that she was also receiving pleasure and not just him; that's why he gave her that sweet aftercare after they did it.

"You guys were so loud that I was unable to sleep" said Howie, his long curly hair blowing in the cool wind.

"Sorry Mr. Sleeping Beauty." A.J. replied sarcastically.

"Anyways, let's not see Hedy tonight. I don't feel like going back out," Nick said, leaning back on a chair. "Besides, she went out to the grocery store so that Mira chick could do her research about what's going on in England."

"Speaking of England," Kevin said slyly, picking up the phone and dialing a number. "Let's surprise Mira, shall we boys?"

The other four huddled around Kevin, listening in on the phone call.

"Hello?" A familiar British voice said.

"Scott, do you know that tall black-haired girl that you and Abz saw three years ago in March?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She's here in New York City. Apartment number seventeen. Thank us later."


Aaron was sleeping soundly on the couch as the bright screen of the computer lighted Mira's face up, reading the recent news article about the attacks, only this time, it was in the city. So far, there's been three attacks and the news are advising people to get home as quickly as they can before it gets dark.

Clicking the 'x' button, Mira sighed and lit a cigarette, opening up a book she purchased when she got back from England. She opened it up to a random page, one of the lines catching her eye.

Incubus- a male demon who kills women by sucking their souls out of them while they're asleep. Often gives their victims nightmares before ultimately killing them. You can easily spot an incubi if they leave a trail of black blood. Can also possess their victims if desired.

Little did she know, Scott and Abz were coming out of her room, silently, without waking up Aaron. Mira suddenly remembered the black blood that was on that woman's bedsheets and what Hedy was telling her when they were at the airport. She was telling the truth. They're back. And they might be targeting both Aaron and Hedy. She thought.

"Long time, no see, love."

Mira turned around and saw Scott and Abz behind her. She got up from the chair and backed away from the two vampires, only for them to walk towards her, slowly.

"How did you find me here?" She asked, a hint of fear in her voice. She found herself back against the sink, unable to see the view of a sleeping Aaron, thanks to Abz blocking the view.

"A little friend of ours told us where you lived, so we came to surprise you" Abz said, his fangs peeking from his mouth.

It was Kevin, considering he's the oldest. Mira thought.

"Correct. Now, may we have a taste of your blood, love?" Scott asked, smiling.

"In your dreams!"

Mira grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed it in his shoulder, trying to make a run towards the door, but was cornered by Abz. Scott appeared behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist. She looked over and saw Aaron stirring from his sleep.

"Mira, are you okay? Who are those guys?" He asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Go in my room and hide, now!"

Without saying anything, Aaron ran to Mira's room, closing the door behind him. Hedy entered the apartment, dropping the grocery bags. She took off her sunglasses, revealing her dark red eyes.

"Get your damn hands off of her!" She exclaimed, speeding towards Scott and pushing him onto the floor, freeing Mira from his grasp, only to caught yet again by Abz.

"Abz, feed off of her, now" He hissed, his eyes turning red as him and Hedy engaged themselves in a fight.

Rolling up Mira's sleeve, Abz bit down on her wrist hard, earning a pained whimper from Mira, who tried to pull away, but with no avail. After drinking some of her blood, he pulled away, letting her fall on the floor, clutching her bloodied wrist. Scott stood up weakly, scratch marks painted on his face, along with a bite mark, courtesy of Hedy.

"This isn't over yet, loves" was all Abz said as him and Scott sped out of the apartment, leaving the two girls alone.

"Where's Aaron?" Hedy asked, helping Mira stand up.

"In my room" she replied, looking down at her wrist.

"Here, let's clean that bite mark up so it won't get infected."

Hedy grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom, sat Mira on the couch, and began to clean her wound up.

However, Aaron had watched the whole fight.

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