Chapter 1 - Two Nerds. One Bar. Whats The Worst That Could Happen?

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~ Seans POV ~

"C'mooooon Sean! You cant stay in your house playing games all day!!!" My good friend David says over the phone.
I sigh "But I want to!"
David laughs "Tough tits! Im forcing you to come out with the guys, I'll be over in 5. If you dont let me in I'll kick the door down, dont you think for a second I wont!"
I roll my eyes "Fine, see you in 5 you bastard!" Then I hang up and shake my head. I'd rather make videos for youtube than go out drinking, gaming is my thing! Im the most subscribed youtuber in Ireland for crying out loud, David knows how much I love gaming! I guess I have to go out with the guys, if I want my door to remain inside its hinges...which I do.

5 minutes later David arrives and I let him in straight away, afraid for my front door. He smiles and pulls me outside. He drags me out of my house onto the street. I lock my door and shake my head at him "Fucking asshole!"
He laughs "You love me anyway, c'mon douchebag!" He starts walking down the street. I speed walk to catch up with him before walking in time with him.

~ Fee's POV ~

I sigh. Yet another game completed. Well what the fuck do I do now? I knew I shouldnt have completed 2 games in one night, god-FREAKING-dammit! The game shop is shut and I've got absolutely nothing to do. Guess I'll go down to the bar then, sing for a few people maybe. I grab my favorite trusty electric guitar before pulling on my coat, straightening my glasses and brushing my hair. Finally I leave my house, Im so glad I bought a fricken coat, its FREEZING. I fold my arms across my chest in attempt to keep the little heat that remains in my body INSIDE my body. Of course, this technique doesnt work. I lean against the wall for a second to do up my coat before carrying on walking. There are 2 guys on the other side of the road, a little way behind me. Im sure I recognize one of them from the newspaper. I shake my head and carry on walking.

Eventually I arrive at the bar, I hang my coat up on a hanger before waving at the barman and running to the stage. I begin setting up the speakers using the laptop the bar provided, right frequency and all that other technical bullshit. Once Im done I bring myself a stool up onto the stage and tap the mic, yep its definitely working. I smile and sit on the stool.
"Hey guys!" I say loudly into the mic, several guys in the bar cheer. Just then the 2 guys that I saw walking on the opposite side of the street earlier walk in.
"HEY FEE!!!" Someone shouts, I smile at them. "DID YOU RUN OUT OF VIDEO GAMES AGAIN???"
I laugh "Yes, unfortunately I did. I made the mistake of completing 2 games in one night. So here I am! Im gonna perform for you guys now, hope you enjoy!" I notice the one guy I thought I recognized from the newspaper stand by the bar and starts watching me intently. I pull my electric guitar onto my lap and begin playing.

"They're gonna clean up your looks,

With all the lies and the books,

To make a citizen out of you,

Because they sleep with a gun,

And keep an eye on you son,

So they can watch all the things you do,

Because the drugs never work,

They're gonna give you a smirk,

'Cause they got methods of keeping you clean,

They're gonna rip up your heads,

Your aspirations to shreds,

Another cog in the murder machine,

They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me,

They couldn't care less as long as someone'll bleed,

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose,

Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me,

The boys and girls in the clique,

The awful names that they stick,

You're never gonna fit in much kid,

But if you're troubled and hurt,

What you got under your shirt,

Will make them pay for the things that they did,

They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me,

They couldn't care less as long as someone'll bleed,

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose,

Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me,

Ohhh yeah!

They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me,

They couldn't care less as long as someone'll bleed,

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose,

Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me,

All together now!

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me,

They couldn't care less as long as someone'll bleed,

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose,

Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me,

Teenagers scare the living shit out of me,

They couldn't care less as long as someone'll bleed,

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose,

Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me!" I sing and play at the same time, My Chemical Romance was a great band. The bar erupts in applause. I stand up from my stool and push my glasses back up my nose, I take a small bow "Thank you all very much, you've been a great audience and all that shit!" Everyone laughs. I wave and walk off stage.

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