Chapter 8 - Dont Cry Jacky Boy!

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~ Seans POV ~

She didnt finish her sentence. "Fee?" No response. "Fee!?!" Nothing. "FEE ANSWER ME!?!" Still nothing. I shout at the firemen, trying to get them to move the pieces of wood faster. The small girl that Fee saved is crying hysterically. I feel so sorry for her, she's probably blaming herself for all of this. I look back at the doorway, I cant lose Fee, I just cant. What did she want to tell me!?!

The bit of wood is finally removed from the doorway and Fee can be seen, a piece of wood covering her legs, her eyes closed, her face smiling and her phone next to her. Why is she smiling!?! The paramedics pull her onto a stretcher and into the back of an ambulance, I jump inside the ambulance and sit beside her. So does the little girl. The ambulance doors close.
"Hello there little girl, whats your name?" I ask softly, attempting to lighten the mood.
The little girl smiles slightly "Im Lily, are you Fee's boyfriend?"
I laugh and shake my head "I wish! No, my name's Sean, Im just really good friends with her."
Lily giggles "So you're the Sean guy she spoke about today, its cool to meet you!"
I smile widely "She talked about me?"
Lily nods "Oh god YEAH!!! She told me if I ever met you not to be shy, so Im not being shy around you. She said you're the sort of person thats trustworthy. She also said..." She breaks off into a fit of giggles.
Im smiling from ear to ear "What else did she say!?!"
"She umm...she told me she really really likes you..." Lily says quietly.
My jaw falls open with a popping sound "Seriously!?!"
Lily nods and giggles "I totally ship you 2 as a couple, just saying!"
I laugh "Me too!"
Lily smiles "The way you were speaking to her earlier, over the phone, when you were telling her to be strong and showed you really care about her. Im glad she has you man."
I chuckle "Thanks Lily!" We continue the rest of the journey to the hospital in a comfortable silence. I look down at Fee and hold her hand in mine. She still has a little smile playing on her lips, I'll have to ask her about that when she wakes up.

~ Fee's POV ~

I never got to tell him I loved him. Thats what I was going to say. I never got to say it. I could be dead and he'll never know. Maybe Lily will tell him? It'd be awkward if she told him and I woke up haha. Oh shit. Thats probably going to happen isnt it? Fuck.

Beep beep.

Beep beep.

Beep beep.

Beepedy beep beep...


The heart monitor didnt actually do that, can you imagine if it did though? Fucking awesome! Anyway so I guess this means Im alive. There's something around my left hand and I dont have any idea what it is. Another hand maybe? If I could open my FUCKING EYES things would be easier!

My ears just started working yo hold on a that...crying? Someone is definitely crying. Do I recognise tha-
"Sean!" My eyes shoot open and I look to my left, where the crying was coming from.
Sean looks at me with tear filled eyes and I notice he's holding my hand. "F-Fee!?!"
I lean over and hug him, I cant stand seeing him cry. "You said you'd never cry infront of me, how fucking dare you!"
Sean laughs "Im sorry, I couldnt help it, I thought I might lose you!"
I shake my head and pull away, smiling at him "Nah, Im fine and dandy! Or wait, let me rephrase that, Im TOP OF THE MORNING!!!!"
Sean bursts out laughing and has to wipe his eyes "Fee's back! Woo!"
"Thats right babEH!!!" I laugh along with him.
"I have a question for you!" Sean says.
I nod "Shoot!"
He chuckles "Why were you smiling while you were unconscious?"
I blush. Shit. Its because of what I was gonna tell him. "I-I umm...Its because of what I was going to tell you..."
Sean smiles widely "What were you gonna tell me?"
I blush a brighter shade if red "I cant tell you, Im saving it for my next near death experience!"
Sean laughs and pouts "Aww but I really wanted to hear it!"
I giggle and shrug "Well you'll have to wait!"
Sean sighs "Fine!"
Then I remember Lily. "What happened to Lily!?! Where is she!?!"
Sean smiles adorably "She went home, her grandparents picked her up about 20 minutes ago."
I sigh with relief "Thats right, she said she's staying with them for now, her regular guardians are in court, pleading innocent even though they're obviously guilty. So how long have I been here?"
"A couple of hours." Sean replies simply.
I nod "Do I have any injuries?"
Sean shakes his head "Only a little bruising on your legs, no broken bones or burns. They said you're good to go as soon as you wake up so you can continue your life as normal tomorrow, as though it was any other Thursday."
The smile falls from my face "T-Tomorrow's Thursday?"
Sean raises an eyebrow "Yeah, why?"
I shake my head, he doesnt need to know about that. He'll think Im crazy like everyone else. Hell, even I think Im crazy! "No reason, just forgot what day it was..." I mumble.
Seans eyebrows pull together "You're a really bad lier. If you dont want to talk about it thats fine, I have to take you home though. Are you ready to go?"
I nod sheepishly and swing my legs off of the hospital bed, noticing Im not in a hospital gown. Clearly they didnt believe my injuries were worth me losing my skinny jeans over, thank god nurses and doctors have good fashion sense!

I attempt to stand up and fall over at first, hissing as I remember the bruises on my legs. Sean is there, catching me in his arms and pulling me back up again. I blush as his hands make contact with mine. Goddammit I shouldnt fall for him, he's way too good for me. He doesnt need me and all the baggage I come with that he doesnt know about yet.

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