Chapter 16 - Sneaky Deaky!

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~ Fee's POV ~

Me and Sean still haven't had a single argument, our relationship is perfect. I've featured in a lot of Sean's videos at this stage and the fans appear to like me, I've gotten absolutely no hate at all but I'm pretty sure Sean had something to do with that. Im absolutely, hopelessly, inevitably in love with him and nothing in the universe could change that.

I open my eyes and giggle, feeling Sean's kisses tracing over my neck, shoulder and cheek. He laughs "Good morning beautiful, sorry I woke you."
I smile widely and turn in his arms, giving him my full attention. I lean up and kiss him hard on the lips, when I pull away he's smiling from ear to ear. I giggle "Good morning Sean the most handsome bossiest boss of all the bosses that ever bossed, don't worry, I quite being woken by your kisses." I wink at him.
He laughs "Well thank god you're a morning a person or I'd be in deep shit!"
I giggle and snuggle into him "Oh I don't know, I don't think its possible to get mad at you."
He wraps his arms around you "Are you still tired, beautiful?"
I shake my head into his chest "Nope, not at all." I yawn.
Sean laughs "Awwwh, don't worry about it. I'll stay here with you until I'm in the mood to play video games."
I nod into his chest and kiss the place over his heart "See you when I wake up Jackaboy!"
He kisses my hair "I can't wait Fee." He whispers.

~ Sean's POV ~

After lying in bed with my beautiful, sleeping girlfriend I get the call. The call of video games. I slide out of bed, careful not to wake Fee, and run to the shower. Once out of the shower I get dressed and go to my little recording studio room thing. I decide to do a vlog.
"TOP OF THE MORNIN TO YA LADDIES!!! My name's JackSepticEye and today we're doing a vlog! Now, I'm gonna be a very bad boss and show you my girlfriend. Ya see, she believes that she looks her worst in the mornings but I disagree! So, follow me!" I pick up he camera and take it to the bedroom. Before walking in I hold up a hand. "Let me just check that she's decent, ain't none of you seeing her butt naked! Nuh uh!" I open the door slightly and look inside, seeing the most beautiful girl on the planet sleeping, she's curled up in a little ball and basically only her head can be seen. I turn and smile at the camera "She's decent guys, its ok!" I whisper before tip-toeing into the bedroom. I point the camera at her. "See? Look how beautiful she is! How the fuck did a little leprechaun like me get so lucky!?!"
Fee stirs from her sleep and her eyes flutter open. As soon as she sees me her jaw drops. "Sean. What the fuck are you doing!?!"
I blush "I-I was just umm..."
"Were you recording me while I was sleeping!?!" She asks.
I nod "Remember when you said you didnt think it was possible to get mad at me..?" I close my eyes and cringe. Seconds later I feel her lips on mine and her arms around me. I gasp and my eyes fly open "But wait you're na-" I look down at her, she's wearing one of my shirts.
She giggles and snuggles into my chest "Well I guessed you'd do something in one of your videos which would involve me being recorded so I made sure I looked decent. I can be sneaky too y'know!"
I laugh "So you aren't mad?"
She shakes her head "I already told you, its impossible to be mad at you."
I sigh with relief and smile at the camera "Ya see guys, this is one of the reasons that my girlfriend is the best girlfriend in the universe! Thank you guys so much for watching! If you liked it-"
"Punch that like button in the face-"
"Like a boss!-"
"High fives all round-"
"Thank you guys so much for watching-"
"And I will we all you dudes-"
Me and Fee throw our arms up in the air "In the next videooooo!!!" We both burst out laughing. I kiss her head "You're amazing, you know that right?"
She giggles "So you keep reminding me! I love you Sean!" She leans up and kisses me.
I smile widely "I love you too Fee!"

~ Fee's POV ~

After that me and Sean continue our day as normal. Sean does his second video, edits both videos and uploads them, we eat lunch and watch a couple of movies, we go for a stroll around town, hand in hand of course, and we never stop smiling.

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