Chapter 6 - Cheerios Not Lucky Charms

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~ Fee's POV ~

I smile amd jump out of bed, last night me and Sean stayed up until 10pm playing The Escapists and today I have to go back to work! Its Wednesday and I only have work on Mondays and Wednesdays, Im a councillor for children. I visit the local high school on Monday and Tuesday to speak to a couple of kids in private meetings, discussing their problems and giving them some helpful advise and solutions.

As I run out of my front door, I quickly text Sean.

Me: Im working today Sean, wont be able to meetup or talk or anything, sorry. Cant wait to watch your videos when I get home though! 😃

Sean: Aw ok, have fun! I'll be sure to mention you in one of todays videos! 😉

This makes me smile, Sean's such a sweet guy. I've been getting to know him and I really like him. He's funny, a quick thinker, very sweet and a complete nerd. That all adds up to perfect in my opinion. I practically run to work, remembering the kids i have to speak to today. I've got 3 apointments with 3 different kids. I arrive at the school, sign in and skip excitedly to my office. I quickly read through my notepad to re-cap on the childrens back stories:

Mia - Bullied by her friends and currently has nobody, struggles to make friends and socialize, not very popular, very kind and caring person, needs help opening up and tips on how to make friends.

Baxter - Anger issues though he's always been very nice with me, his best friend has a crush on me, needs ways to deal with anger, huge COD fan.

Lily - Abused at home but has only told me, gets picked on by classmates, self harms, huge video game fan, very quiet and shy, loves to draw and write, she escapes using music and just needs someone.

Lily is my favourite out of the 3 students I see. She's basically exactly what I was at her age. Im seeing her last, she has meetings with me twice a week and is the only reason I have to come in on Mondays, Im like her only friend. She's so nice, it shocks me that people make fun of her. She may be slightly emo but she's so fun to be around!

Im seeing Baxter first. When he walks in he smiles widely at me. "Hey Fee, my best friend is outside and I told him you'd say hi to him, thats cool right?"
I laugh and nod, putting my pad and pen down "Sure, why dont you introduce me?"
He smiles and nods, punching the air before leading me out of my office. Beside the door I see a small boy with dark hair and dark eyes, he blushes when he sees me. I giggle and hold out my hand "Well hey there, Im Fee!"
He shakes my hand and smiles "H-Hi."
I suddenly remember something and dig through my bag, I find a pack of cookies. I pull a couple out and give them to him "Here ya go, now run along to your lessons and eat your cookies, it was awesome meeting you little dude!"
He smiles widely "T-Thank you!" He waves and runs off.
I laugh and shake my head before walking back into my office with Baxter.

I just finished my lunch, its finally time to see Lily! I settle back down in my little office and read my book for a few minutes, then Lily walks in.
I smile widely and put my book down "Hey Lily! How's my little cheerio doing!?!"
She giggles and sits opposite me "Hey Fee! Im good, how's my donut doing!?!"
We both burst out laughing. I call her a cheerio because she's small and pretty cheerful considering what she goes through, donuts are basically bigger cheerios so she calls me a donut to say Im a bigger version of her. "So, spill the beans, whats been going down since Monday!?!"
Her face falls slightly "Well stepmum has been abusing me as normal and my dad has done absolutely nothing about it, I've self harmed a couple of times since Monday and people have been being a lot meaner as of late."
I lean forward in my chair "What's been happening little cheerio?"
She smiles slightly at being called cheerio but then goes back to staring at the floor "When I answered all the questions right in class Tuesday, everyone called me a nerd. When I drew something I was very proud of in Art, everyone called me an emo. People have been shouting out at me when I walk down corridors, graffiti on my locker, the whole sha-bang. Its just...I dont know why they have to do all this to me, y'know? What did I ever do to deserve all of this!?! I thought I was a good noodle!" She starts crying.
"Hey, hey, hey, Im a complete nerd and slightly emo. I've always been a nerd and an emo, since I was younger than you. I got made fun of all the time and I used to let it get to me, but one day I realized: their words dont matter. They're just trying to cramp your vibe, dont let them. As the great Kellin Quinn once said: You dont know shit, you dont know shit about me, you dont know shit, shit, shit, dont know a goddamn thing about me! You're a good, smart noodle, dont doubt yourself. As for the graffiti on your locker I think thats taking it too far, I'll speak to the staff about that but I wont mention your name, I promise. You dont deserve this, any of it. You're such a cool person, I dont understand why you're being made fun of this way." I continue to give her advise until 5 minutes before out meeting is supposed to end, she's crying hysterically. "Why dont you go sort yourself out in the bathrooms for the remaining 5 minutes you're allowed out of class? That way nobody can make fun of you for crying, ok?" She nods and stands up, sniffles and leaves my office.

I begin packing up my things and thats when I hear it and drop my bags. The fire alarm.

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