Chapter 10 - Jacky Boy To The Rescue!

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~ Fee's POV ~

After a VERY long Thursday I flop flat on my couch, turning over on my back to text Sean.

Me: Hey dude, Im back! 😃🎉

Sean: Awesome, you ready to get your ass kicked on Mortal Kombat X !?! 😂

Me: Ha! I'd like to see you TRY breh! 💁🏼

Sean: Well you WILL see me try and SUCCEED!!! 😝

Me: Imma call you on skype and we can settle this like true gamers! Let me just get changed first though, I feel contaminated with the fatal Thursday vibe! 😂

Sean: Ok, call me when you're done! 😉

I quickly run to my room and get changed into my extra large COD Modern Warfare t-shirt. I bought it in extra large because I like baggy gaming shirts, I think they look cool. As soon as Im done I call Sean and start sorting my hair and glasses out in the camera, wanting to look alright for Sean. Why am I trying to impress him!?!

Oh right yeah, Im inlove with him.

Sean answers my skype call and smiles widely at me "Well hey there!"
I smile back at him "Hey there Jacky-boy!" I quickly put on Mortal Kombat X and flip my hair back over my head as I sit on the couch, I hate putting it up in ponytails and stuff but it always gets in my way. I never have it up, it feels weird.
Sean smiles at me "That hair flick though! Daaaaamn!"
I laugh "Oh yeah Im workin' it gurl!" I flick my hair back again. "Hey look, I gotta show you this!" Sean nods at me and I take my glasses off, pushing them up so they look like a hairband "IM BLIND BUT HOW DO I LOOK!?!?!?!??"
Sean laughs "Beautiful as always!"
I blush and pull my glasses back down "Oh shush lets just fight to the death already!"
Sean laughs again, shaking his head, before joining the game. Of course I thrash him at practically every round, using the coolest fatalities possible. The Johnny Cage one is fucking brilliant, just saying. He literally force his hands through the opponents chest and pulls, creating a small gap for him to stick his face through and say "HEEEEEERE'S JOHNNY!!!" From that really old movie that I cant remember the name of, its an awesome reference though.

About half way through the sixth fight there's a knock at my door, making me freeze in my seat.
"Fee? Are you gonna answer that?" Sean asks.
I shake my head "There are only two people that know my address, you're one of them."
Sean raises an eyebrow "Who's the other?"
"Remember the ex that started talking to me in the shopping centre?" Sean nods and I simply nod back at him, gulping. "He's come over here before uninvited and has broken many of the objects in my house, I've hidden myself in small spaces so he cant reach me. He wont hesitate to break that door down Sean. What the fuck do I do!?!" I whisper, panicking.
"Leave this skype call going, if he starts breaking shit I'll be over there faster than you can sing the Irish national anthem backwards." Sean replies sternly.
"But...I dont even know the Irish national anthem forwards!?!" I answer.
Sean shrugs "Im not a very fast runner." I laugh. "But I'll be over there as fast as I can if shit gets broken, dont worry."
I take a deep breath and nod "Imma put some trousers on first." I run to my bedroom and slip on a pair of skinny jeans before giving Sean a small thumbs up and answering the door. There stands one of my ex's, very drunk and swaying side to side slightly.
"What do you want Dylan?" I ask, sighing.
"You." He slurs before walking towards me, I take a step back and he falls over.
"Im so-" I start but he cuts me off.
I walk backwards into the living room, aware of Sean still watching behind me. "Why cant you just leave me alone Dylan!?!"
He stumbles over to me "BECAUSE YOU BROKE MY HEART YOU BITCH, I NEVER THANKED YOU FOR THAT!!!" And before I can say a word, he slaps me hard across the face, knocking me to the floor. All I hear is the sound of a chair falling over, coming from my laptop, before a smile breaks through my lips.

~ Seans POV ~





Before I can think of anymore insults Im in her doorway, I see him crouching over her. I march over to him and grab him by the collar, pulling him outside and throwing him on the ground. I notice he's passed out, lucky for him or he'd have a pretty purple face. I run back inside her house and see her curled up in a ball on her carpet, shaking and crying. I crouch down beside her.
"Hey Fee, its alright, Im here." I whisper.
She turns around with a shocked expression and wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me and crying into my shoulder. I instantly wrap my arms around her and help her stand up. I expect her to let go of me, but she doesnt, so I dont let go of her either. We just stand there, in her living room, her front door wide open, hugging.

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